21237815 / 21222663

July 14, 2015 at 11:20 am

Early Intervention Teachers overloaded with cases

The MUT wrote to the Minister for Education and Employment as it is concerned with the plight of Early Intervention Teachers working within state schools. The MUT stated that these teachers, at least those working in Malta, are overloaded with cases of all sorts and natures. Moreover, in spite of having a number of teachers who dropped out of the service, no replacement was made resulting in a situation whereby these teachers are now trying to take care of over 70 cases each which they can barely see once a month. This is also affecting resource workers, who coincidentally are also very few in number (just 4 in Malta and non in Gozo), as they are taking some of the load especially when it comes to talks with parents at homes and so on.

In view of this, the Union sent a set of recommendations for the Ministry’s consideration especially since early intervention is crucial to be able to reduce absenteeism, misbehaviour and various other long term problems, and related costs, in schools.

In a reply, the Minister promised to take this up with his colleagues to see what can be done.

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