21237815 / 21222663
Directives to Heads / Acting Heads and Assistant Heads in State Schools

October 22, 2015 at 4:20 pm

Directives to Heads / Acting Heads and Assistant Heads in State Schools

In view of the new directives published by the GWU for precincts officers, the MUT declares its support to the precincts officers and their Union since their working conditions and personnel to work with are in an appalling state. Therefore all MUT members are directed to stick to the usual procedures and report maintenance jobs to the precincts’ officers and the College Principal as usual procedure and not to bypass the precincts officers by contracting maintenance work from third parties (unless a dangerous emergency situation occurs in which students and staff might be in risk). All members are reminded that if precincts officers are equipped with better conditions and working teams schools, especially SMT members, stand to gain.

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