21237815 / 21222663
Directive to Heads of State Schools re Skolasajf contract

June 21, 2022 at 12:58 pm

Directive to Heads of State Schools re Skolasajf contract

The MUT is hereby directing all Heads of State schools to refrain from signing the FES contract on Skolasajf. In a communication to FES, the MUT stated that it is objecting about this contract for the following reasons: 

– The Head of School’s responsibilities cannot be extended for a service which is being provided by personnel who are being paid for it; 
– The Head of School cannot be tied with time-frames as outlined in the contract during holiday periods; 
– When school facilities are being used outside school hours, the responsibility for the use falls entirely within the entity using the facility; 
– The use of the school premises for Skolasajf was granted by the Ministry, hence it is the Ministry personnel who have to be involved in any issue pertaining to the same; 
– Furthermore, if any contract is required, this must be signed by the provider of the premises (HCN, DES etc) and not by the Head of school. 
– The Head of School, as per practice, can only be involved in handover to the Skolasajf coordinator. 


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