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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Feedback on the new policy regarding remote working

April 21, 2023 at 2:13 pm

Feedback on the new policy regarding remote working

The MUT has communicated with the Education Ministry regarding the implementation of the new remote working policy which shall be implemented in the coming weeks. It was agreed that the union shall gather all feedback from affected members to make its position with the Ministry. Feedback shall be received through the dedicated form found here. […]

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Call for Expression of Interest: Pool of Student Evaluators

April 21, 2023 at 2:08 pm

Call for Expression of Interest: Pool of Student Evaluators

The Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) is seeking to develop a pool of student evaluators. This Call for Expression of Interest is intended to pre-identify students who can act as external evaluators during programme accreditation. Please click here for details Note: These calls are being forwarded as requested by this third party and […]

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Seminar: Promoting digital literacy  & creativity in the classroom

March 23, 2023 at 1:55 pm

Seminar: Promoting digital literacy  & creativity in the classroom

The MUT is inviting members to register for this unique opportunity to attend a seminar being held in Malta by PhD Kari Kivinen. The Seminar is being held under the auspices of HE Dr Kenneth Vella, Ambassador of the Republic of Malta to Estonia and Finland. The Seminar shall be held at the MUT Offices […]

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Congratulations to educators on their graduation

March 10, 2023 at 12:11 pm

Congratulations to educators on their graduation

The MUT congratulates educators who are graduating during this period. Their hard works has paid off. The union augurs that there are new ways to incentivize young people to choose professions in education. The MUT shall continue to support newly recruited educators and invites them to approach the union for any assistance.

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Educators pay for UPE’s blunder

March 3, 2023 at 9:48 am

Educators pay for UPE’s blunder

Much has been said about the situation at ITS which led to disciplinary actions against educators, resulting in two of them being terminated following disciplinary procedures.  The MUT shall not be commenting on the case, but rather on what other educators endured after refusing to adhere to UPE’s instructions. Educators who stopped following directives of […]

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Major Trade Unions and Employers’ associations issue joint statement

February 28, 2023 at 12:10 pm

Major Trade Unions and Employers’ associations issue joint statement

The recent situation whereby a minority union is trying to undermine the demarcation between recognised majority unions representing employees collectively in relation to minority unions representing individual employees prompted the major trade unions and the major employer organisations to come together in a joint statement. The statement found here was issued by the General Workers’ […]

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Consultation with members at the MAV College on the new Sectoral Agreement

February 17, 2023 at 12:28 pm

Consultation with members at the MAV College on the new Sectoral Agreement

The MUT is inviting all educators at the Mikiel Anton Vassalli College (Schools of Art, Dance/Drama and Music in Malta and Gozo) to provide feedback for the new sectoral agreement being negotiated between the MUT and the Education Ministry. Feedback shall be received until Friday 10th March 2023. Please find the feedback form here.

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Education Ministry’s review board on Resource Centres

February 17, 2023 at 12:26 pm

Education Ministry’s review board on Resource Centres

The MUT is informed that the Ministry’s review board which has been appointed following the aggression on an educator at a school in Gozo has commenced its work and started its consultation with educators in Resource Centres. The MUT has a representative in the board. The union invites all educators to provide their feedback to […]

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