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Link to Health protocol for the reopening of schools

September 2, 2020 at 4:35 pm

Link to Health protocol for the reopening of schools

The following is the link to the protocol just published by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Health (click HERE to go to the document). Meanwhile the MUT would like to emphasise again the distinction between the protocol of health above and the implementation documents. The protocol is being published as announced so we […]

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L-MUT tniedi r-Rapport ta’ Ħidma 2017-2020

June 10, 2020 at 5:50 pm

L-MUT tniedi r-Rapport ta’ Ħidma 2017-2020

Bi pjaċir qegħdin inniedu r-rapport ta’ ħidma tal-Malta Union of Teachers bejn Lulju 2017 u Ġunju 2020, li huwa t-terminu ta’ din il-leġiżlatura. F’dawn it-tliet snin l-MUT kellha żmien ta’ sfidi kontinwi imma wkoll ta’ opportunitajiet ġodda. Kellna ħidma kbira favur l-edukaturi, l-istudenti u l-edukazzjoni f’Malta u Għawdex, tista’ tgħid fl-oqsma u s-setturi edukattivi kollha […]

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Sequences Partners’ Meeting held in Malta

May 10, 2018 at 3:02 pm

Sequences Partners’ Meeting held in Malta

The third transnational meeting of the Sequences project took place in Malta last week. Each of the 6 countries currently piloting the Sequences draft tool-kit shared their experience of working with early years settings and their progress to date. This meeting took place in the offices of Malta Union of Teachers, Ħamrun. Thanks to all […]

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Eye Health campaign by the MMSA

October 13, 2016 at 2:43 pm

Eye Health campaign by the MMSA

The MUT is joining the DQSE in supporting the educational campaign by The Malta Medical Students Association (MMSA). The e-poster above as part of this campaign.

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Youth section publishes fifth e-Newsletter for 2015

October 23, 2015 at 3:10 pm

Youth section publishes fifth e-Newsletter for 2015

The MUT Youth section has just published the fifth issue of its e-newsletter for 2015, which is the eight one for the current term. Articles focus primarily on “The Cost of Teaching Resources amongst Student Teachers”, the MUT Youth Section Art exhibition and another interview as part of the series “Lenti Fuq”. Click on the […]

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ATTENTION all State School Primary Teachers – update on checklists

July 31, 2015 at 10:55 am

ATTENTION all State School Primary Teachers – update on checklists

After discussions held yesterday between Union officials and the DQSE, it was agreed that checklists in the primary sector should NOT BE filled in following testing or special assessment methods. The DQSE had already made this clear in Circular DCM 074/2015 issued on 6th March. Class teachers in tandem with complementary teachers are to fill […]

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