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Category Archives: Technology

Website Maintenance

June 26, 2020 at 1:00 pm

Website Maintenance

On Tuesday 30th June 2020 there is maintenance work scheduled related to the website and some features might not be in working order all the time. Any members wishing information currently in the Members’ Area can ask for them through the usual channels of the Union, i.e. through email and/or telephone. The Union thanks members […]

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Kritika lejn l-edukaturi fuq il-midja soċjali

May 27, 2020 at 5:15 pm

Kritika lejn l-edukaturi fuq il-midja soċjali

L-MUT tirreferi għall-kritika li l-edukaturi qalgħu f’dawn il-jiem fuq il-midja soċjali. L-MUT tirrikonoxxi s-sitwazzjoni diffiċli li kulħadd għaddej minnha bħalissa u tappella lill-pubbliku sabiex ma naqgħux f’tgħajjir u kummenti bla bażi li jweġġgħu lill-edukaturi. Fuq il-midja soċjali ħafna jiktbu bl-addoċċ imma l-verità hi li l-edukaturi kollha qegħdin jagħmlu xogħol kbir sabiex ikomplu bis-sena skolastika f’ċirkostanzi […]

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Renewed appeal to distribute laptops to educators who are still without one

April 1, 2020 at 12:42 pm

Renewed appeal to distribute laptops to educators who are still without one

The MUT has been informed that the government is to provide internet connection and laptops to students who lack technological resources. Whilst it being a commendable gesture that should help made students in need to continue with their studies, the MUT has renewed its appeal to the Ministry not to forget educators, mostly newly recruited […]

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Professionalism and flexibility in the current circumstances

March 27, 2020 at 5:18 pm

Professionalism and flexibility in the current circumstances

The MUT is being informed by some members that they are receiving instructions to work on very tight deadlines, sometimes an email sent in the evening with a reply expected by morning. This contradicts the spirit of professionalism and degree of flexibility agreed to in the working group set up with State, Church and Independent […]

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Guidelines and tips for educators on the safe use of the internet

March 20, 2020 at 10:52 am

Guidelines and tips for educators on the safe use of the internet

During this very particular time, when educators are communicating with colleagues, students and parents through online platforms, the MUT feels compelled to issue some basic guidelines and tips on the safe use of the internet. These are not meant to be rules or instructions, but common sense advice for educators on what to do and […]

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Ultimatum given in relation to catastrophic IT situation in Schools

October 21, 2019 at 4:35 pm

Ultimatum given in relation to catastrophic IT situation in Schools

The MUT has written to the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry for Education and Employment to formally express its dismay at the dire situation regarding IT in schools. Issues range from interactive whiteboards not functioning properly, updates in the virtual learning environments resulting in unusable features, change in the tablets contract imposing new duties, the […]

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IT Issues in Schools

October 1, 2019 at 12:16 pm

IT Issues in Schools

The MUT contacted MEDE yesterday evening following reports from members that there was no internet connectivity in many schools. Some were informed that this is due to a change in service provider. In a reply, the MEDE CIO stated that they had technical issues which are now being resolved with the service being restored. He […]

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Esplora launches its 4th Education Programme 2019 – 2020

September 25, 2019 at 4:10 pm

Esplora launches its 4th Education Programme 2019 – 2020

The MUT has received the following from Esplora: Heads of School and Education Officers are kindly requested to circulate the 2019-2020 Esplora Education Programme link to all teachers, KGEs, LSEs and other education staff members. It contains details about the forthcoming events and activities that will be offered at Esplora – Malta’s National Interactive Science […]

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MUT welcomes agreement to supply laptops to educators in church schools

September 14, 2019 at 7:53 am

MUT welcomes agreement to supply laptops to educators in church schools

The MUT welcomes the agreement reached between the Government and Church authorities for the supply of laptops for all educators in church schools. The MUT appreciates the efforts made by both parties to bring educators in church schools at par with their colleagues in state schools in terms of digital resources. The provision of laptops […]

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