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Directive for LSAs not to accompany student/s to Learning Centres

December 3, 2015 at 3:25 pm

Directive for LSAs not to accompany student/s to Learning Centres

The MUT wrote to the DG DES on behalf of LSAs who are being asked to accompany their student/s to Learning Centres, sometimes even twice a week. The MUT stated that the practice of asking an LSA to accompany students to a Learning Centre is not a practice that was ever agreed upon between both […]

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Solutions to lack of English Teachers

December 3, 2015 at 3:15 pm

Solutions to lack of English Teachers

The MUT wrote to the Minister for Education and Employment to ask him to enter into urgent discussions to find solutions to the current recruitment crisis related to English Language teachers. For the short term the Union is proposing something similar to the system adopted in the health care sphere, where an international call for […]

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Issues related to Prince’s Trust programme

December 3, 2015 at 3:00 pm

Issues related to Prince’s Trust programme

The MUT communicated once again with the Minister for Education and Employment and appealed to him to look into the situation with urgency at St Clare’s College Secondary School in relation to the Prince’s Trust programme. Unlike what has happened in other schools, the Union stated that the Prince’s Trust programme in this instance is […]

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2015 Joint Report under the ET 2020

December 1, 2015 at 3:10 pm

2015 Joint Report under the ET 2020

The Directorate for General Employment, Social affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission informed the MUT that on 23 November 2015, Council and Commission have adopted the 2015 Joint Report under the ET 2020 strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training. The Report will be published in the Official Journal in all EU […]

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MUT conference on VET and MATSEC: update and presentations

November 26, 2015 at 1:30 pm

MUT conference on VET and MATSEC: update and presentations

On Saturday 21st November 2015 the MUT held its annual National conference, which this year had the topic “Vocational Education in and beyond Secondary Schools”. The following are links to the presentations held during the day. – “Improving apprenticeship: Why it is a priority?”, by Ms. Agnes Roman, Advisor and Expert, ETUC / ETUCE – “The […]

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Distribution of new laptops to Teaching grades in State Schools

November 25, 2015 at 4:20 pm

Distribution of new laptops to Teaching grades in State Schools

Union officials have just attended a demonstration session on new Laptops and all-in-one devices (desktop PCs). All teaching grades, including all KGAs and LSAs, will receive a new laptop whereas an all-in-one device shall be installed and connected to the interactive whiteboard in all classrooms. The MUT has been working incessantly in the past years […]

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MUT disappointed with written warning to State Head of School

November 25, 2015 at 4:05 pm

MUT disappointed with written warning to State Head of School

The MUT wrote to the Minister for Education and Employment to express its disappointment after the Directorate for Education Services has issued a written warning – which is also disciplinary action in terms of the Public Service – to a Head of School at the Gozo College. The Union stated that it is disappointed primarily […]

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New Scientix publication

November 25, 2015 at 4:00 pm

New Scientix publication

Scientix – the community for science education in Europe – has published all the main results and achievements of the second phase of the Scientix project. Click here for the publication.

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Dissertation survey on working beyond retirement age

November 25, 2015 at 3:45 pm

Dissertation survey on working beyond retirement age

The MUT has received a message from a fourth year student studying for Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Economics. As part of her dissertation, which is aimed at analysing the factors that affect people’s willingness to continue working beyond retirement age, she is conducting a survey among respondents aged 50 or over who are currently […]

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Slogan Competition related to European Year of Development 2015

November 25, 2015 at 3:30 pm

Slogan Competition related to European Year of Development 2015

SOS Malta, as part of a Development Education project called LADDER, is organising a slogan competition and participants have the chance of winning an IPAD AIR. This slogan competition is targeted at young people aged 10-18 and aims to get them involved in development issues. More information can be obtained at or through Lorna […]

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