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MUT Meets Officials from Front Favur il-Mina

December 14, 2015 at 4:35 pm

MUT Meets Officials from Front Favur il-Mina

MUT officials had a cordial meeting with representatives from Front Favur il-Mina. During the meeting, the need for better access between the two islands was discussed. The MUT explained that it was always in favour of better communication and transportation links between the two islands and in fact had submitted an electoral proposal in this […]

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Primary School Teacher Vacancy

December 14, 2015 at 4:30 pm

Primary School Teacher Vacancy

Mariam Al Batool School is currently looking for a Primary School teacher for Year 1, who will be needed for employment between January and May 2016 to replace teacher on Maternity Leave. Interested persons are invited to send their CV by email to Closing date: 17th December, 2015. This vacancy is being forwarded as […]

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Directive to State Schools re letter circular DCM 258/2015

December 9, 2015 at 2:25 pm

Directive to State Schools re letter circular DCM 258/2015

The Union is directing all members to refrain from following the direction issued in Letter Circular DCM 258/2015 entitled “It-Tagħlim tal-Malti lill-Barranin (Primarja)”. This circular may have implications on the duties of teachers and it was never discussed with the Union.

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Survey about Sagħtar

December 9, 2015 at 2:20 pm

Survey about Sagħtar

Now that the last issue of the current version of Sagħtar magazine has been published, the MUT is conducting a survey about the magazine of the past and of the future with the aim of getting honest opinions from educators, students and readers of the publication. All information will be strictly confidential. Deadline to submit […]

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MUT Christmas Shutdown

December 9, 2015 at 2:00 pm

MUT Christmas Shutdown

Please note that apart from Christmas day and New Year’s day (which are Public Holidays), the MUT shall be on shutdown on Thursdays 24th and 31st December 2015. During the rest of the holiday period, the Union shall be open normally during office hours i.e. Monday to Friday 8:30 – 13:00 and 14:15 – 17:30.

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Issues related to Prince’s Trust programme: an update

December 7, 2015 at 12:15 pm

Issues related to Prince’s Trust programme: an update

The MUT wrote to the Minister for Education and Employment and other high officials within the Directorates to inform them that, following the intervention of the Director for Human Resources and the proposed way forward suggested, the Union is suspending its directives with immediate effect to give more space to the Director to sort the […]

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CEDEFOP vacancy for Expert in VET Policies

December 7, 2015 at 12:00 pm

CEDEFOP vacancy for Expert in VET Policies

CEDEFOP is currently looking for an Expert in Vocational Education and Training Policies – ref: Cedefop/2015/05/CA. Closing date for submission of applications is 11 January 2016, at 15.00 Greek time (CET+1). More information here.

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Provision of laptops and all-in-one devices for Church School educators

December 3, 2015 at 3:45 pm

Provision of laptops and all-in-one devices for Church School educators

The MUT wrote to the Church Secretariat for Catholic Education to request them to address at the earliest the laptops issue so as to bring all educators in Church Schools at par with colleagues in State Schools when it comes to technological resources. In State Schools, the Government has finally agreed to replace all teachers’ […]

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