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MCAST Directive on Student Attendance document

January 8, 2016 at 4:25 pm

MCAST Directive on Student Attendance document

The MUT would like to make reference to a very recent document issued by MCAST on Student Attendance. The Union would like to make it very clear that this document and its implications on lecturers, not to mention the academic implications, were never discussed with the MUT. The fact that this document was discussed within […]

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MUT to meet MCAST on academic progression of Lecturers

January 8, 2016 at 4:00 pm

MUT to meet MCAST on academic progression of Lecturers

The MUT today requested a meeting – to be held next week – to draft a side agreement between all sides usually represented in negotiations on the MCAST Collective Agreement to resolve a conflict on what the Union perceives as a discriminatory situation against current lecturers who progress in their academic studies. The MUT has […]

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MUT thanks Ministry for timely intervention

January 7, 2016 at 4:40 pm

MUT thanks Ministry for timely intervention

The MUT wrote to the Minister for Education and Employment and the Permanent Secretary on behalf of its members at the Pieta’ Primary School to thank the Ministry for its intervention in the theft problem and for refunding the funds stolen from money collected for children’s outings.

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Malta Review of Educational Research Vol. 9 no.2

January 6, 2016 at 5:00 pm

Malta Review of Educational Research Vol. 9 no.2

Vol.9 no.2 of the Malta Review of Educational Research is available online ( MRER is a fully refereed, open access, electronic journal, supported by the Faculty of Education, University of Malta. This issue focuses on educational reforms and developments in the Maltese context. The special issue is edited by Professor Christopher Bezzina. For further information […]

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Church School Call for Assistant Head

January 6, 2016 at 4:30 pm

Church School Call for Assistant Head

The Secretariat for Catholic Education has issued a call for applications for the post of Assistant Head of Primary School at St Aloysius College and has asked the Union to circulate it. For more information about it please click here. This vacancy is being forwarded as requested by this third party and members should kindly […]

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Church Schools Agreement Addendum on recruitment/promotion

January 5, 2016 at 3:15 pm

Church Schools Agreement Addendum on recruitment/promotion

The MUT and the Church School Secretariat have finally signed an addendum to the agreement on the lines as originally requested by the MUT in which the long awaited improvement for recruitment to the grades of Assistant Heads and Heads has finally come to light. The addendum is an update of the current clauses concerning […]

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Applying for the 20 week LSA course without 10 week course certificate

January 5, 2016 at 2:30 pm

Applying for the 20 week LSA course without 10 week course certificate

The MUT wrote to the MCAST Principal after members reported that they are unable to apply for the 20 week course because they have still not received the certificate of the first (10 week) course they previously attended. In a reply, the MCAST Principal stated that this issue was resolved and LSAs who have achieved […]

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Vacancy – Learning Support Assistants I and II

January 5, 2016 at 2:00 pm

Vacancy – Learning Support Assistants I and II

Mariam Al Batool School is currently inviting applications for the posts of Learning Support Assistants I and II. Interested persons are invited to ask for more information by sending an email to or Closing date for applications is Monday 18th January 2016. This vacancy is being forwarded as requested by this third party […]

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