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Author Archives: web_admin

MUT Council nominees 2025-2028

October 17, 2024 at 8:52 am

MUT Council nominees 2025-2028

The following is the list of the twenty-nine nominees for the new MUT Council 2025-2028. The MUT shall be providing details about the election of the new Council in the next updates. The Union thanks all nominees and all members who proposed or seconded nominees. President Bonnici Marco     Senior Vice President Germani Elaine […]

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Ongoing collection of copies of the Sectoral Agreement

October 17, 2024 at 8:50 am

Ongoing collection of copies of the Sectoral Agreement

During the past weeks hundreds of members in State Schools collected their respective copy of the new Sectoral Agreement between the Government and MUT. The MUT invites all members in State Schools to visit the MUT offices in Hamrun during office hours to collect the copy of the agreement. MUT shall notify about the collection […]

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Press release:  World Teachers’ Day – 5th October 2024

October 5, 2024 at 6:35 am

Press release:  World Teachers’ Day – 5th October 2024

The Malta Union of Teachers is commemorating World Teachers’ Day 2024, held annually on 5th October. This year’s UNESCO World Teachers’ Day theme is Valuing teacher voices: Towards a new social contract for education. The day provides the occasion to celebrate the teaching profession worldwide. “Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the future by […]

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The Mediterranean College of Sport

October 2, 2024 at 3:53 pm

The Mediterranean College of Sport

MUT Officials visited the newly established Mediterranean College of Sport and were welcomed by Mr Charlo Bonnici and the management team at the school. There was a discussion on the role of the school and of the Union. Officials had also a tour of the school facilities. MUT Officials congratulated the school management and educators […]

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Feedback on the new Collective agreement – San Andrea School

October 2, 2024 at 3:48 pm

Feedback on the new Collective agreement – San Andrea School

The MUT started negotiations of a new agreement with San Andrea School Management, As part of the consultation processes with members, the union is inviting all members at San Andrea School to provide their feedback/wish list for the new agreement, All feedback shall be received through the dedicated form found here. the deadline for this […]

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Feedback on the new Collective agreement – St. Martin’s College

October 2, 2024 at 3:40 pm

Feedback on the new Collective agreement – St. Martin’s College

The MUT started negotiations of a new agreement with St. Martin’s College Management, As part of the consultation processes with members, the union is inviting all members at St. Martin’s College to provide their feedback/wish list for the new agreement, All feedback shall be received through the dedicated form found here. the deadline for this […]

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Collection of the Sectoral Agreement

October 2, 2024 at 3:34 pm

Collection of the Sectoral Agreement

The MUT is informing educators in State Schools that they may collect a copy of the Sectoral Agreement from MUT in Hamrun during office hours from Monday 7th October. The copy of the agreement will be given only to paid-up MUT members who come in person to collect the agreement and who are employed in […]

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Fondazzjoni Sagħtar – Abbonament fis-Sagħtar u Sagħtarin

October 2, 2024 at 3:29 pm

Fondazzjoni Sagħtar – Abbonament fis-Sagħtar u Sagħtarin

Fondazzjoni Sagħtar tfakkar u tħeġġeġ lill-iskejjel biex jabbonaw bħala grupp fir-rivista Sagħtar u fil-ktieb tal-attivitajiet Sagħtarin. Sagħtarin hu ideali għat-tfal tas-snin bikrin (mill- Kindergarten sal-Year 3) waqt li s-Sagħtar hu mmirat l-iktar għat-tfal mill-Year 4 sal-Year 8 (u anki ikbar għal min jixtieq). L-iskejjel huma mitluba jgħaqqdu grupp ta’ 10 abbonamenti jew iktar biex ikunu jistgħu jiġu applikati l-benefiċċji ta’ […]

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Cash Analysis Survey 2024

October 2, 2024 at 3:25 pm

Cash Analysis Survey 2024

The Central Bank of Malta is currently conducting a research entitled ‘Cash Analysis Survey 2024’ which can be accessed using the link below. The aim of this study is to collect information on the cash usage in Malta and the perception of the public on the Euro banknotes and coins. Link for the survey: Cash […]

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