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Author Archives: web_admin

L-MUT tagħti d-dettalji dwar il-każ issa li s-Sentenza tal-Qorti Nqatgħet

March 1, 2018 at 11:09 am

L-MUT tagħti d-dettalji dwar il-każ issa li s-Sentenza tal-Qorti Nqatgħet

Issa li l-każ inqata’ mill-qrati Maltin, li hu ta’ min ifaħħar għall-mod kif ġie konkluż f’perjodu qasir ta’ żmien, il-Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) qed tagħti d-dettalji dwar l-aggressjoni fil-konfront tal-Kap tal-Iskola Primarja tal-Birgu hekk kif seħħet nhar it-Tlieta 27 ta’ Frar 2018. Dan qiegħed isir biex, skont ix-xewqa tal-Kap tal-Iskola, li hija membru attiv […]

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MUT takes note of court sentence for aggression on Head of School – reiterates appeal for more security in schools

February 28, 2018 at 4:22 pm

MUT takes note of court sentence for aggression on Head of School – reiterates appeal for more security in schools

Following yesterday’s aggression incident at the Birgu Primary school, the MUT notes with satisfaction the outcome of the court case and that it was reached in a very short time span. This sentence, which follows a similar one last November, should be commended. The MUT however reiterates, for the umpteenth time, its appeal for proper […]

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Reminder on Directive about Teaching Practice

February 28, 2018 at 1:06 pm

Reminder on Directive about Teaching Practice

The Union would like to remind members about the directive for State and Church schools in relation to teaching practice (TP) issued last October. The directive states that those who are not trained and will not be remunerated as Mentors are not to stay in class while students are conducting their teaching practice. The TP […]

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Cumulative Records Cards (CRCs) in Church Schools

February 28, 2018 at 1:05 pm

Cumulative Records Cards (CRCs) in Church Schools

The MUT would like to remind members that there shall be no inputting of manual CRCs in Church Schools if the school has adopted an electronic system. For any queries or direction, especially about specific schools with related issues, members are asked to contact the MUT directly.

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Update on FES leave discrepancy issues

February 27, 2018 at 4:58 pm

Update on FES leave discrepancy issues

The MUT met with the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry for Education and Employment and the Foundation for Educational Services (FES) management to discuss the issue affecting the leave of a considerable number of educators. It was agreed that decisions communicated previously by the entity shall be on hold pending further discussions with the Union. […]

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MUT will not accept changes in school hours

February 27, 2018 at 4:57 pm

MUT will not accept changes in school hours

With reference to reports made yesterday in the media in relation to changes in school opening hours, the MUT has already made its position clear several times that it will not be accepting changes to accommodate a transport operator. Apart from this, the MUT is also in total disagreement with any plans to force students […]

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Structural Works at Żejtun Secondary

February 27, 2018 at 4:54 pm

Structural Works at Żejtun Secondary

The MUT has been informed about a meeting held today at Żejtun Secondary in relation to structural works to be implemented at the school. The Union will be conducting a school visit later this week to discuss the situation in detail and to submit the complaints by educators to the respective Directorate.

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MUT Condemns Aggression on Head of School

February 27, 2018 at 1:11 pm

MUT Condemns Aggression on Head of School

The MUT condemns aggression on a Head of School during the carrying out of her duties by a relative of a student, which led to the head teacher being hospitalized. The Union will not accept this type of aggression and is expecting immediate investigations by the police and education authorities respectively and to take all […]

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Researching Teachers’ Professional Lives and Careers

February 26, 2018 at 4:21 pm

Researching Teachers’ Professional Lives and Careers

The MUT this morning attended the presentation of the research study report entitled “Teachers’ Professional Lives and Careers” by Michelle Attard Tonna and James Calleja. The Union is following closely the outcomes of this report and is looking forward to meet the Faculty of Education at the University of Malta to go in detail through […]

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