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Author Archives: web_admin

Malta: Round Table Meeting of the European Sectoral Social Partners in Education

March 7, 2018 at 11:52 am

Malta: Round Table Meeting of the European Sectoral Social Partners in Education

The following article has been published on the ETUCE website: “On 15 February 2018, the fifth round table meeting of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education (ESSDE) Capacity building project III took place in Malta. At this occasion, representatives of Malta Union of Teachers (MUT), partner to the project, as well as Maltese education […]

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Class visits an opportunity for development, not just to point out shortcomings

March 6, 2018 at 5:08 pm

Class visits an opportunity for development, not just to point out shortcomings

The MUT has to, once again, note that formalised class visits being conducted by SMTs are at times geared towards and focused exclusively on finding shortcomings and other negative aspects rather than serving as a way to support educators. The Union confirms that it has never agreed about structured reporting in writing during such visits […]

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Directive about the open day at the Victoria Middle School

March 5, 2018 at 4:34 pm

Directive about the open day at the Victoria Middle School

The MUT is directing all members at the Victoria Middle School to refrain from participating in an open day at the school being held later this week. This directive is being issued in view of the plans revealed in the last hours to build extensions to the school. The MUT notes that the school community […]

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L-Edukaturi fis-Soċjetà Tagħna

March 3, 2018 at 11:16 am

L-Edukaturi fis-Soċjetà Tagħna

Artiklu li deher fuq L-Orizzont illum 3 ta’ Marzu 2018 Regolarment l-edukaturi qegħdin jiġu affaċċjati b’numru ta’ sitwazzjonijiet fejn qed ikollhom jiddefendu lilhom infushom minħabba artikli u aħbarijiet li jidhru fil-mezzi tax-xandir. Din il-ġimgħa stess kellna numru minn dawn, fejn is-sensazzjonaliżmu sfortunatament jirbaħ fuq id-dettalji meta wieħed janalizza sew is-sitwazzjoni kif verament inhi. Dawn huma […]

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Victoria Middle School update following School Visit

March 2, 2018 at 4:56 pm

Victoria Middle School update following School Visit

During a school visit earlier this week, the MUT was informed about the changes proposed for the Victoria Middle School. Evidence reported during this school visit, including a reply to a Parliamentary Question (PQ), clearly confirms that a decision has been taken without the involvement of anyone within the school. It is unacceptable that staff […]

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Assessement for Learning in Church Schools is Voluntary

March 1, 2018 at 5:01 pm

Assessement for Learning in Church Schools is Voluntary

The MUT would like to note that no agreement has been reached with Church Schools on the implementation of the Assessment for Learning. The Union is not against such training but it has to be on a voluntary basis. No pressures are to be exerted on teachers to comply and any such instances are to […]

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Update on MCAST Collective Agreement

March 1, 2018 at 11:47 am

Update on MCAST Collective Agreement

Following the strike, MUT officials attended two meetings at the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) involving the Minister for Education and Employment, the Principal Permanent Secretary, the Permanent Secretary and MCAST. There is significant progress on financials and another meeting is scheduled for tomorrow Friday. The MUT is therefore suspending the directive in place […]

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MUT obtains recognition of LSAs at the ITS

March 1, 2018 at 11:38 am

MUT obtains recognition of LSAs at the ITS

Following a request by the MUT and a verification process carried out by the Department for Industrial & Employment Relations (DIER), the MUT is pleased to note that it has obtained the recognition of LSAs at the Institute for Tourism Studies (ITS). This means that the Union can now negotiate on behalf of this group. […]

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