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Author Archives: web_admin

Issues at the Gozo College Rabat Primary

March 8, 2019 at 5:16 pm

Issues at the Gozo College Rabat Primary

The MUT communicated with the Permanent Secretary at MEDE after it was inundated with feedback from members at the Gozo College Rabat Primary. The MUT stated that the situation at the school requires immediate attention especially to ensure the health and safety of educators and students. The Union stressed the point that irrespective of plans […]

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Update on request for the insurance of educators

March 1, 2019 at 1:15 pm

Update on request for the insurance of educators

Following the official request made yesterday, the Minister for Education and Employment replied to the MUT stating that it will be considered. However he warned that the announced scheme took a substantial amount of time to develop and put in place. The MUT thanks the Minister for his reply. However the MUT is positive that, […]

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L-MUT tikteb lill-editur dwar l-artiklu bl-isem ‘Għalliema ħatja li tajret u qatlet raġel’

March 1, 2019 at 8:54 am

L-MUT tikteb lill-editur dwar l-artiklu bl-isem ‘Għalliema ħatja li tajret u qatlet raġel’

Din l-ittra ntbagħtet lill-editur ta’ InewsMalta: Għażiż editur, L-MUT tirreferi għall-artiklu “Għalliema ħatja li tajret u qatlet raġel” li deher ilbieraħ 28 ta’ Frar (link HAWN). Irrispettivament mid-dettalji tal-każ innifsu, wieħed ma jistax ma jinnutax li l-kelma ‘għalliema’ ġiet mogħtija prominenza żejda f’kuntest fejn il-professjoni jew impjieg m’għandu x’jaqsam xejn. F’soċjeta’ fejn id-defiċit lejn l-għalliema […]

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Obituary – Joseph Portelli

February 28, 2019 at 3:24 pm

Obituary – Joseph Portelli

The MUT sadly reports the passing away of Mr. Joseph Portelli, one of the long-serving stalwart MUT Officials and MUT Council Member who represented the Union in many capacities throughout his untiring decades of service. The funeral is being held on Saturday 2nd March 8.30am at the Basilica of St Dominic, Valletta.

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Information re Cumulative Record Cards and Registers

February 28, 2019 at 3:13 pm

Information re Cumulative Record Cards and Registers

The MUT is reminding members that the filling of Cumulative Record Cards (CRCs) and registers is no longer required following the introduction some years ago of online platforms. Members who receive any pressure to fill the same are requested to contact the Union.

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Meeting for Complementary Teachers

February 28, 2019 at 3:02 pm

Meeting for Complementary Teachers

A meeting for members who are Complementary Teachers is being organised to discuss current issues being faced by this group. This is being held on Friday 15th March 2019 at 4pm at the MUT offices in Ħamrun. Please click HERE to register in advance.

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Updated: MUT submits formal request for the insurance of educators

February 27, 2019 at 4:44 pm

Updated: MUT submits formal request for the insurance of educators

The MUT has received a request for comments from a local newsroom in relation to any plans by the Union to ask for insurance of educators following the announcement of a similar scheme for disciplined forces. In reply, the MUT stated that it has proposed many times over the years schemes that include insurance for […]

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Reporting of students’ progress to parents/guardians

February 22, 2019 at 12:28 pm

Reporting of students’ progress to parents/guardians

With regards to reporting of students’ progress in State schools years 3 to 6, members are hereby being directed to follow Circular DLAP 021/2019 in that they should only report progress through the MySchool system. Reports have reached the MUT that some schools are demanding that the hard copy be filled in for all students […]

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Directive re Daily schedules time inputting

February 22, 2019 at 12:17 pm

Directive re Daily schedules time inputting

The MUT is hereby directing LSEs to refrain from indicating the time of respective activities in daily schedules. This has never been a requirement although the Union has recently been informed that some officers are imposing it on LSEs. Any undue pressure needs to be reported to the Union.

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