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Author Archives: web_admin

Directive to members at Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary

March 25, 2019 at 4:05 pm

Directive to members at Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary

The MUT is directing members to refrain from inputting attendance on the online system, to refrain from inputting marks on the online system and Coordinators are to refrain from organising CoPE sessions. This in view of the duplication of work and additional work being imposed by the school.

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Directive to all LSEs in State and Church Schools – daily schedules

March 22, 2019 at 10:54 am

Directive to all LSEs in State and Church Schools – daily schedules

The MUT is directing all members to refrain from filling daily schedules with effect from Monday 25th March. This directive is being issued since LSEs are continually replacing their respective colleagues in situations of absences. The Union notes the inaction of the respective employers to provide an effective reliever structure and is hence directing members […]

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Handling of examinations marks of Maltese and Mathematics

March 20, 2019 at 4:14 pm

Handling of examinations marks of Maltese and Mathematics

The MUT reminds that teachers of Maths and Maltese have a directive to refrain from working on assessments. This includes any inputting or handling of half-yearly marks. Meanwhile, the MUT requested an extension of the deadline for the submission of form 5 marks for the said subjects since corrections were not submitted within the stipulated […]

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Stqarrija: L-MUT tirbaħ każ fit-Tribunal Industrijali dwar tkeċċija inġusta ta’ tliet membri mill-impjieg

March 13, 2019 at 2:48 pm

Stqarrija: L-MUT tirbaħ każ fit-Tribunal Industrijali dwar tkeċċija inġusta ta’ tliet membri mill-impjieg

L-MUT tilqa’ b’sodifazzjon is-sentenza mit-Tribunal Industrijali li fiha tliet membri tal-Union ingħataw kumpens ta’ €6,000 (sitt t’elef ewro) kull wieħed wara li l-impjieg tagħhom ġie terminat b’mod inġust u bi ksur ta’ liġi mill-Garendon School li kienet rappreżentata quddiem it-tribunal mill-Avukat Andrew Borg Cardona. Kienu tliet edukaturi tal-kindergarten li jaħdmu fuq bażi full-time mal-iskola Garendon […]

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MUT Gozo Office – 28th March 2019

March 13, 2019 at 2:15 pm

MUT Gozo Office – 28th March 2019

Date: Thursday 28th March 2019 Time: 2pm – 4pm For appointments please email or call the MUT during office hours. The address for the Gozo office is 86, Vajringa Street, Victoria.

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MUT requests initiation of discussions on Sixth Forms MOU

March 12, 2019 at 2:51 pm

MUT requests initiation of discussions on Sixth Forms MOU

The MUT has requested the initiation of official discussions with MEDE leading to a Memorandum of Understanding which shall regulate sixth forms (Higher Secondary, Gozo Sixth Form, Gem16+ and ALP+), particularly conditions of work at these institutions which were never regulated. This MOU will also lay the groundwork related to a similar MOU for Church […]

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Meeting about works at a number of schools

March 12, 2019 at 2:48 pm

Meeting about works at a number of schools

The MUT has held a meeting with MEDE earlier this week to discuss the construction and maintenance works planned at a number of schools. The Union requested information about the plans for the coming months and received detailed information about the matter. The Union shall be communicating with respective members who enquired about this matter.

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Security Audit into Local Schools

March 11, 2019 at 4:32 pm

Security Audit into Local Schools

The MUT refers to the news item titled “Traffic chaos, unlocked exits and other state school hazards – A security audit into local schools, following a schoolyard assault” which appeared on The Times today. The Union welcomes the initial findings of this report and looks forward to more details on the way forward together with […]

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