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Author Archives: web_admin

Update on Migrant Research Study in schools

April 29, 2019 at 4:40 pm

Update on Migrant Research Study in schools

With reference to the Migrant Research Study being carried out in schools, following the intervention of the MUT, the Ministry for Education and employment have agreed that:– PSCD teachers will be holding the focus groups with the students on a voluntary basis, and the Ministry will supply a research assistant who will take notes. PSCD […]

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Institute for Education to hold Open Day

April 29, 2019 at 4:36 pm

Institute for Education to hold Open Day

The Institute for Education will be hosting an open day on the 10th May 2019. This event will take place at the Institute for Education, Martin Luther King Road, Pembroke between 15:00 and 20:00hrs. Any queries should be directed to More information on the Facebook Event Link HERE. Please note that the Malta Union […]

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Aġġornament dwar l-Anomalija fis-Salajru ta’ Ċerti LSE2s

April 25, 2019 at 3:30 pm

Aġġornament dwar l-Anomalija fis-Salajru ta’ Ċerti LSE2s

Rigward l-anomalija li ġiet irrapurtata lill-MUT minn membri li huma LSE2s, il-Union tixtieq tinforma lill-membri li ltaqgħet mal-Ministeru biex tagħmel il-każ u wara diskussjoni magħhom ħareġ li l-issue hija aktar ikkumplikata minn sempliċi żball. L-issue tirrigwarda l-interpretazzjoni tar-regoli taċ-ċivil (tal-ħaddiema kollha tal-Gvern magħruf bħala l-PSMC), fejn il-Ministeru qed jgħid li kien hemm tibdil fil-mod kif […]

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Website Maintenance

April 17, 2019 at 12:32 pm

Website Maintenance

The suppliers in charge of the technical aspects of the website – Smart Technologies Limited (ex-Holistic) – are currently doing maintenance work to upgrade it and some features might not be in working order all the time. Whilst apologising on their behalf, any members wishing information currently in the Members’ Area can ask for them […]

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MUT Easter Recess

April 16, 2019 at 2:44 pm

MUT Easter Recess

As part of the Easter recess, the MUT will be closed on Thursday 18th, Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd April 2019. Meanwhile the Union takes the opportunity to wish all educators Happy Easter with well-deserved rest.

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MUT Gozo Office – 10th May 2019

April 16, 2019 at 2:42 pm

MUT Gozo Office – 10th May 2019

Date: Friday 10th May 2019 Time: 2pm – 4pm For appointments please email or call the MUT during office hours. The address for the Gozo office is 86, Vajringa Street, Victoria.

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Various Church School Vacancies

April 16, 2019 at 2:40 pm

Various Church School Vacancies

The Secretariat for Catholic Education has issued various calls for applications including the following and has asked the Union to circulate them: – Principal Officer (Administration and HR) – Deadline is 6th May 2019. – Principal Officer (Admissions) – Deadline is 6th May 2019. – Senior Education Support Practitioner – Deadline is 6th May 2019. […]

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Involvement of educators in courses by private organisations

April 16, 2019 at 10:01 am

Involvement of educators in courses by private organisations

The MUT has been informed by members that a private organisation conducting courses has involved them without prior permission, without any remuneration and is expecting them to act as internal tutors for their courses. These educators are even being expected, without being asked in advance, to write performance reports. The Union would like to confirm […]

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MUT Congratulates new UoM Faculty of Education Dean

April 12, 2019 at 2:24 pm

MUT Congratulates new UoM Faculty of Education Dean

The MUT would like to congratulate Dr Colin Calleja on his appointment as the new Dean at the University of Malta Faculty of Education. Meanwhile the Union thanks the out-going Dean, Professor Sandro Caruana, for his service and willingness to collaborate for the benefit of the local educational sector.

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L-MUT tikkundanna s-sensazzjonaliżmu ta’ aħbar mhux veritiera dwar il-ħidma sfieqa fi ħdan l-iskola medja tal-Kulleġġ San Benedittu

April 12, 2019 at 1:56 pm

L-MUT tikkundanna s-sensazzjonaliżmu ta’ aħbar mhux veritiera dwar il-ħidma sfieqa fi ħdan l-iskola medja tal-Kulleġġ San Benedittu

L-MUT tikkundanna l-attentat li sar minn individwi fil-midja soċjali, u aktar tard minn sit onlajn, sabiex jiddiskredita l-ħidma sfieqa mwettqa mill-edukaturi fl-iskola medja tal-Kulleġġ San Benedittu. L-informazzjoni li waslet għand l-MUT b’mod dirett mill-edukaturi f’din l-iskola ma għandha x’taqsam xejn ma’ dak li ġie allegat b’mod anonimu minn xi student jew ġenitur u mis-sit imsemmi. […]

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