21237815 / 21222663

July 31, 2015 at 10:55 am

ATTENTION all State School Primary Teachers – update on checklists

After discussions held yesterday between Union officials and the DQSE, it was agreed that checklists in the primary sector should NOT BE filled in following testing or special assessment methods. The DQSE had already made this clear in Circular DCM 074/2015 issued on 6th March. Class teachers in tandem with complementary teachers are to fill in checklists if during the normal school work process they notice that a child has reached a particular goal. Testing children for a particular criterion is not only useless but may be counterproductive.

The MUT is therefore directing ALL its members who serve as class / complementary teachers in primary schools to refrain from carrying out any testing, or any particular assessments of children with a checklist, which testing / assessment has the purpose of filling in of the same checklists.

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