21237815 / 21222663
Update about the collection of books in Primary State Schools

April 29, 2020 at 4:23 pm

Update about the collection of books in Primary State Schools

The MUT is following the procedure regarding the collection of books from primary schools and is issuing this clarification based on discussions with the Ministry for Education and the Health authorities as reflected in the respective circular which has been issued. Reference to educators includes SMT.

– The procedure for the collection of books applies only in State Primary Schools and is not applicable to Secondary schools. No educator should carry out any preparation regarding collection of books in secondary schools until there is a clear direction about the same;
– Kindergarten were also not mentioned as discussion only revolved around books which are essential for online learning;
– The procedure does not involve students but parents are required to collect books from schools;
– No parents can enter classrooms according to the direction of the health authorities. The collection needs to be carried out from the school entrance;
– Educators are only requested to prepare books in a container provided by the school with the name of the respective student. These are to be left in the respective classrooms. Educators cannot be expected to carry out any other duties including carrying books. Educators shall remain in the school premises for the shortest possible time;
– Educators shall not be present on the day/s when books are collected by parents.

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