21237815 / 21222663
The MUT will never accept MATSEC’s proposed coursework for secondary schools

May 19, 2022 at 3:39 pm

The MUT will never accept MATSEC’s proposed coursework for secondary schools

Following meetings held with stakeholders, which led to a joint decision to refrain from introducing MATSEC coursework tasks in secondary schools from the next scholastic year, the MUT has been following the training sessions being held for educators and can now issue its position.

The union will never accept that the proposed coursework tasks by MATSEC are introduced and are carried out by educators in schools. This position stems from the impossibility of carrying out continuous testing of students together with the required reporting to MATSEC. The proposal for schools to become examinations centre for coursework is also being opposed by the MUT and the union will take all measures so that the implementation of this proposal is halted.

Apart from this, the union has remarked continuously that the introduction of coursework in the early years led to an increase in testing of students rather than easing the testing component. This requires revision as well and the union shall be pressing to have this process reviewed.

The MUT thanks members who are providing continuous feedback to the union.

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