21237815 / 21222663

September 15, 2015 at 4:40 pm

UPDATED: Some Members of Staff at ITS not following procedures

The Union is currently looking into instances at ITS whereby some members of staff are not following procedures and direction of their immediate superiors in order to absent themselves from the Institute. More information will be provided as soon as the Union receives any feedback from the ITS management.

*Update on ITS Members of Staff not following procedures

Following the news issued by the Union earlier this week, the MUT would like to clarify that it was referring to some members of staff who were absenting themselves from the Institute and it questioned the matter following queries made by members who were being affected by such lack of adherence to procedures. The Union asked the ITS management and the reply was that two members of staff were assigned alternate tasks which were completed by 11th September. The Director at ITS also stated that staff need to rest assured that he does not carry any old baggage and he tries to be as fair as possible with all.

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