21237815 / 21222663
Online interview request on study related to teachers’ understanding of inclusion regarding migrant children in the classroom

December 16, 2021 at 1:53 pm

Online interview request on study related to teachers’ understanding of inclusion regarding migrant children in the classroom

The MUT has received the following message for members:

My name is Mandy Dalli, and I am a student at the University of Malta, reading for a Masters in Access to Education in Inclusive Schools and Communities. I am presently conducting research as part of my dissertation titled Teachers’ understandings of inclusion with regards to migrant children in the classroom. This is being supervised by Dr Louise Chircop. The aim of my study is to focus on how teachers perceive the inclusion of migrant children in their classroom, thus providing an inclusive class experience.

I would like to invite primary school teachers who have experience in teaching migrant students to participate in this study. Your participation entails an online interview of approximately one hour, which will take place at a time convenient for you. Anonymity is ensured as pseudonyms shall be used throughout. Your participation would be appreciated you wish to participate kindly contact me by e-mail on

N.B. Please note that the Malta Union of Teachers is just helping out in dissemination of information and is not responsible for this initiative or its details. Queries and difficulties on the above should therefore not be directed to the MUT but to the entity responsible.

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