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MUT publishes fourth edition of The Educator journal

February 8, 2018 at 3:27 pm

MUT publishes fourth edition of The Educator journal

The Malta Union of Teachers has just issued the fourth edition of The Educator – A Journal of Educational Matters, which is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on aspects related to education. The journal attracts contributions which help to promote debate on educational matters and presents new or updated research on many topics. In this issue, the list of articles being published are as follows:

“To read or not to read: Exploring the use of fonts and ease of read” by Daniela Borg
“A Deleuzian / Guattarian reading of Art ‘A’ level taching in Malta” by Peter Magro
“Camouflaged or Visible: A comparative Study in the Integration of EU Migrant Adolescents within the Maltese Formal and Informal Education” by Claudio Bezzina
“The Compulsory Attendance Act and its immediate aftermath in Malta’s educational development” by George Cassar
“Teaching women’s history in history classrooms” by Yosanne Vella
“A Case Study of the Implementation of the Abacus Scheme to teach Early Number Concepts” by Amanda Borg, Stephanie Curmi, Christina Marie Farrugia

The editor-in-chief of the journal is Comm. Prof. George Cassar while the editorial members are Dr. Manwel Debono, Dr. Sandro Lanfranco and Dr. Anthony Vella.

Click HERE to download current and previous issues of the journal, which are available on the MUT website free of charge.

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