21237815 / 21222663
MUT proved right in court, expects government to follow sentence conditions

February 15, 2018 at 3:35 pm

MUT proved right in court, expects government to follow sentence conditions

The MUT notes the sentence by the judge earlier today in relation to the Helen Keller Resource Centre jacuzzi issue and it is clear that the CRPD could not stop the MUT from issuing legitimate directives. It is also clear that following a list of conditions for the government to abide with, one can conclude that the Resource Centre was not providing adequate resources and was not going through the necessary Health and Safety requisites. Following this episode, the MUT hopes to receive convincing information about how, when and who will perform these tests, which confirmed that ultimately it is an obligation at law placed upon the service provider and not on a Union protecting its members. The court sentence confirms this.

In conclusion, the MUT keeps its right to revert to all actions permissible by industrial law in order to protect its members in all matters including health and safety.

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