21237815 / 21222663
UPDATED: MUT Objects to Questionnaire Given to Parents of Co-Ed Students

April 12, 2018 at 4:40 pm

UPDATED: MUT Objects to Questionnaire Given to Parents of Co-Ed Students

The MUT has communicated officially with the DG at the Directorate for Educational Services as it is strongly objecting to the questionnaire issued regarding the evaluation of the Co-Ed system. A number of questions such as an assessment based on perception of parents are out of place and the MUT expects that action is taken. Unacceptable examples include ‘Hemm ħafna bullying’ or ‘Ċerti għalliema ma jgħallmux sewwa’. The Union also informed the DG DES that it will certainly object if any such data is used in any way or shared and will issue the necessary direction to members. Finally the MUT questioned the validity of this exercise as the sole indicator whether co-education is successful.

Update 13th April: In a reply, the DG stated that she is taking note and will be getting back. She stated that this is a questionnaire which has been conducted in the past years since the Co-Ed system started but it might be the case that some questions were changed. The MUT will be following this and report updates accordingly.

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