21237815 / 21222663
FES employees facing many problems at their workplace – the MUT requests urgent meeting

September 14, 2015 at 4:40 pm

FES employees facing many problems at their workplace – the MUT requests urgent meeting

The Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) notes a number of issues being faced by its members at the Foundation for Educational Services (FES) and is thus requesting a meeting with the entity management to discuss these issues at the earliest.

The MUT is appealing with the FES to listen urgently to the FES Centres employees to address issues including excessive stress, lack of resources, episodes of bullying at the workplace and dubious discipline practices against workers which in many cases may have been exaggerated or unnecessary, adverse conditions such as tremendous heat, serious health and safety issues, and Centre coordinators who are being loaded with major responsibilities without any central support. Apart from this, certain coordinators are facing unacceptable situations where they are being shared between two Skola Sajf Centres in addition to their Klabb 3-16 duties. Some employees are reduced to a state where they are reluctantly seeking alternative employment because they cannot endure this type of work environment anymore. The MUT also notes a great similarity between the difficulties of employees at Skola Sajf and employees working at Child Care Centres and Klabb 3-16.

Meanwhile, the Union thanks all employees at the Skola Sajf Centres who with so much dedication managed to work despite the huge difficulties encountered at the FES. The MUT has only words of praise for the sterling work conducted by the Centre Coordinators, the PERs, playworkers and case support workers who performed effectively during Skola Sajf. The MUT also thanks employees at the Child Care Centres, most of all the Child Care Assistants and those at the Klabb 3-16, for their performance despite issues similar to those at Skola Sajf.

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