21237815 / 21222663

October 6, 2015 at 4:25 pm

Directive to teachers involved in the Great Siege project and Directives for Primary Schools

The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing

After the MUT met its members who teach drama, art and music, it results that the situation reported yesterday by the MUT in relation to peripatetic teachers was brought about because of a serious lack of coordination between Directorates within the same Ministry. This activity was being planned since prior to the summer months and involves a large number of children and schools. Despite this, and despite the Directorate knowing very well how much people are involved and the consequences, still it did not provide backups in schools to make up for this project.

This means that, although educational authorities knew that this project could potentially result in a breach of the Sectoral Agreement, they showed utter lack of coordination and also a lack of respect towards teachers, both in Primary Schools and those involved in this project.

The MUT, therefore, is directing all its members who are involved in this project to continue with this project. At the same time, the Union is advising the Government that if by Monday the Primary Schools issue is not resolved in the context of the agreement, the Union will order industrial Directives in schools. Meanwhile the Union is appealing to the Ministry to investigate who is responsible for this fiasco and take all the necessary steps.

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