21237815 / 21222663

January 6, 2017 at 5:11 pm

Directive for HODs on moderation of CCP work

The MUT wrote to the DG DES on behalf of HODs after it was informed that as from this year they are being asked to also moderate CCP student files and work. They are also being asked to check whether teachers are doing the right job or not in this area. The Union stated that With all due respect (1) HODs are already being made to cater for an ever increasing amount of levels and examination/assessment papers, (2) CCP teachers have practically invented most of the material and curriculum themselves during the past years, and checking on them now is arguably insulting and demeaning, and (3) it is not the HOD’s remit to check teachers’ work in class. In view of this, the MUT is directing its members to refrain from duties connected to moderation of CCP work until such time as an agreement is reached on this issue.

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