21237815 / 21222663
Declaration of trade dispute with the Ministry for Education – MAV College

June 21, 2021 at 9:37 am

Declaration of trade dispute with the Ministry for Education – MAV College

The MUT is declaring a trade dispute with the Ministry for Education on the failure to recognise the role of Centre Administrators as Heads of Schools employed at the MAV College. Despite repeated attempts to address this situation, which has been dragging since 2018, the Ministry is still not willing to provide the requested recognition of this grade through the financial package and conditions of work of Heads of Schools employed with the same Ministry.

The union is issuing a list of directives, which shall be effective from Wednesday 23rd June. Centre Administrators at the MAV College are being directed to refrain from:

1) Inputting the review of the examination results for this session of exams;
2) Publishing the examination results for this session of exams;
3) Attending any Council of Heads or similar meetings;
4) Holding or attending any School Council meetings;
5) Holding or attending any Board of Studies meetings;
6) Organising any PD/COPE sessions;
7) Working on the application for the accreditation of new subjects and any design of these new courses;
8) Organising or attending any curriculum time meetings;
9) Organising any events following the appointment of an events manager;
10) Carrying out any interviews for applicants who applied on the rolling call as part-time educators.

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