June 10, 2020 at 6:09 pm
Category Archives: MUT Office
June 10, 2020 at 5:50 pm
L-MUT tniedi r-Rapport ta’ Ħidma 2017-2020
Bi pjaċir qegħdin inniedu r-rapport ta’ ħidma tal-Malta Union of Teachers bejn Lulju 2017 u Ġunju 2020, li huwa t-terminu ta’ din il-leġiżlatura. F’dawn it-tliet snin l-MUT kellha żmien ta’ sfidi kontinwi imma wkoll ta’ opportunitajiet ġodda. Kellna ħidma kbira favur l-edukaturi, l-istudenti u l-edukazzjoni f’Malta u Għawdex, tista’ tgħid fl-oqsma u s-setturi edukattivi kollha […]
read more »April 28, 2020 at 4:22 pm
Work-life balance during COVID-19: an MUT Survey
The MUT is currently conducting a survey to analyse the work-life balance of educators following the closure of schools effective from 13th March 2020. The work-life balance is the division of an employee’s time and focus between work and family or leisure activities. This survey is completely anonymous and all educators are welcome to provide […]
read more »April 21, 2020 at 5:05 pm
Make sure you provide the MUT with the correct email address
Especially in the current circumstances, when information is being forwarded mainly through email and other online means, the MUT would like to issue a call for members to update their information provided to the MUT. Particularly, members should make sure that they provide a valid email address that is used regularly so as to receive […]
read more »April 7, 2020 at 4:42 pm
MUT Easter Recess
As part of the Easter recess, the MUT will be closed on Thursday 9th, Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th April 2020. While the Union takes the opportunity to wish all educators Happy Easter, we urge everyone to stay safe and to continue following all instructions and recommendations by the health authorities. Please also make sure […]
read more »March 16, 2020 at 2:33 pm
Avviż Importanti għall-Membri – Important Notice to Members
L-MUT tixtieq tinforma lill-membri li b’effett minn għada t-Tlieta 17 ta’ Marzu 2020, l-uffiċjali u l-istaff ser ikunu qegħdin jaħdmu bil-bibien magħluqin jew permezz tat-telework. Is-servizzi tal-MUT ħa jibqgħu jingħataw permezz tat-telefon (21237815 u 21222662) u l-emails HAWN. Ħlasijiet ta’ miżati jistgħu jibqgħu jsiru permezz tas-sistemi online fil-Members Area billi wieħed iżur MUT.ORG.MT jew inkella […]
read more »March 12, 2020 at 1:53 pm
Extraordinary General Conference and RES activities postponed until further notice
The MUT is hereby informing members that the Extraordinary General Conference, which was to be held on Monday 16th March 2020, is being postponed to a later date with the same agenda due to the coronavirus situation. Apart from this, the Chairperson of the MUT-RES Committee informed the MUT President that all planned activities by […]
read more »March 3, 2020 at 11:20 am
New art exhibition at the MUT Office – by Marianne Cirillo
The MUT has the pleasure to announce a visual art exhibition by Ms Marianne Cirillo, which is taking place throughout the month of March 2020 at the MUT Office in St. Joseph High Road, Ħamrun. This exhibition, which has 19 works of art, is open to the public during office hours i.e. Monday to Friday […]
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