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Category Archives: MCAST

Directive to members at MCAST on 4th sits

June 27, 2016 at 11:36 am

Directive to members at MCAST on 4th sits

The MUT wrote to the MCAST Principal after being informed by various members about a recent decision to introduce a 4th sit for students who fail their units. This 4th sit will apparently be carried out in September. The Union stated that it is in total disagreement with this initiative because from a professional point […]

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Health and Safety, Construction and Parking Issues at MCAST Mosta

June 17, 2016 at 12:38 pm

Health and Safety, Construction and Parking Issues at MCAST Mosta

The MUT wrote to the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry for Education and Employment on behalf of Union members to look urgently into the situation developing near the Institute of Creative Arts (formerly IAD) building in Mosta. This particular building lies between what appears to be two construction sites, one which seems to be illegal […]

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Industrial Dispute on Recognition at MCAST lifted

June 10, 2016 at 3:14 pm

Industrial Dispute on Recognition at MCAST lifted

Following discussions between the MUT, MCAST and PACBU on the issue of recognition of technician grades, an agreement on the way forward has been reached and the industrial dispute and related directives are hereby being lifted. MCAST has today written to DIER to initiate the verification process.

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Update on Recognition of new grades at MCAST

June 2, 2016 at 3:34 pm

Update on Recognition of new grades at MCAST

The MUT, MCAST and PACBU held a meeting yesterday where the positions with regards to the recognition of grades was discussed at length. MCAST and PACBU have pledged to re-discuss the issue internally and get back to the Union by Friday 10th June. As a gesture of goodwill the MUT is suspending industrial directives until […]

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Press Release: Industrial Dispute on Recognition at MCAST

June 1, 2016 at 11:51 am

Press Release: Industrial Dispute on Recognition at MCAST

The MUT wrote to the Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties and to the Minister for Education and Employment to inform them that it is registering a trade dispute with the Government over its failure to process the request for recognition with a reasonable time frame. The Union stated that it is […]

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MUT appeals with MCAST to settle bonuses long overdue

April 7, 2016 at 3:04 pm

MUT appeals with MCAST to settle bonuses long overdue

The MUT wrote to the MCAST Chairman after it was informed that the performance bonus of Directors and Deputy Directors of Institutes for 2014-2015 has still not been paid. The Union stated that this situation is completely unacceptable especially given that the Union has been appealing for settlement since at least November 2015.

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Front Sheets at MCAST

February 15, 2016 at 4:00 pm

Front Sheets at MCAST

The MUT wrote to the MCAST Principal on the issue of front sheets and its various samples circulating. The Union stated that as it already explained, such front sheets should include the basic details of the assignment and the Learning Outcomes being assessed by each unit. Unfortunately this sheet is including unnecessary bureaucratic burden which […]

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MCAST reform not yet reflected in legislation

February 5, 2016 at 3:00 pm

MCAST reform not yet reflected in legislation

The MUT wrote to the Minister for Education and Employment to draw his attention that the MCAST reform has not as yet been reflected in legislation, at least where it comes to the Council of Institutes (COI). It appears, however, that MCAST has decided to include persons in COI that are not referred to in […]

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