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ETC logbook

July 22, 2015 at 10:00 am

ETC logbook

The MUT and MCAST discussed at length the issue of the ETC logbook. MCAST will be stopping the use of ETC logbooks for all apprentices with the exception of those students who still fall under the old ETC system and needs their apprenticeship to be assessed by the old trades committee, which is still a […]

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Delay in interviews for Assistant Heads and LSAs

July 14, 2015 at 11:25 am

Delay in interviews for Assistant Heads and LSAs

The MUT wrote to the DGs DES and the DG Operations on behalf of various members who applied through the PSC call for the positions of Assistant Head and LSA. The Union stated that it appears that, notwithstanding the amount of weeks that have elapsed since the submission of the application, nobody is yet informed […]

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Early Intervention Teachers overloaded with cases

July 14, 2015 at 11:20 am

Early Intervention Teachers overloaded with cases

The MUT wrote to the Minister for Education and Employment as it is concerned with the plight of Early Intervention Teachers working within state schools. The MUT stated that these teachers, at least those working in Malta, are overloaded with cases of all sorts and natures. Moreover, in spite of having a number of teachers […]

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Floriana Annex not suitable for summer

July 14, 2015 at 11:10 am

Floriana Annex not suitable for summer

The MUT has been on contact with the Permanent Secretary at MEDE on behalf of members of the Union, particularly EOs, who work at the Floriana Annex. The Union stated that it has been informed that these premises are hardly suitable for the summer months and need a cooling system installed, not to mention a […]

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Call for Head at Sacred Heart College Junior School

July 14, 2015 at 10:10 am

Call for Head at Sacred Heart College Junior School

Click here to download call for applications by the Secretariat for Catholic Education for the post of Head at Sacred Heart College Junior School, St Julian’s. Applications as indicated in the call will be received by Friday 24th July 2015. This message is being forwarded as requested by this third party and members should kindly […]

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MUT agrees with rigorous recruitment procedures but disagrees with additional red tape and attitude towards educators

July 10, 2015 at 11:45 am

MUT agrees with rigorous recruitment procedures but disagrees with additional red tape and attitude towards educators

The MUT refers to the recommendations by the Ministry for Education and Employment in the White Paper entitled ‘Effective recruitment and selection procedures for people working with minors’. While the Union agrees with rigorous screening and procedures at all times, the MUT is against any further bureaucratic burdens placed on educators and on a system […]

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1 Euro Campaign in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund

July 10, 2015 at 11:35 am

1 Euro Campaign in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund

The Malta Community Chest Fund, chaired by the President of Malta, has launched the 1 Euro campaign whereby applications are being accepted so that 1 Euro is deducted automatically from every pay cheque. Full letter and application, which needs to be sent to the salaries/payroll section of your organisation, can be viewed here and here […]

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RIGA Conclusions – new set of VET deliverables for 2015-2020 adopted by EU

July 10, 2015 at 11:30 am

RIGA Conclusions – new set of VET deliverables for 2015-2020 adopted by EU

The ministers of EU and EU-candidate countries responsible for vocational education and training (VET), the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the European Commission and the EU-level cross-sectoral social partners, including ETUC, endorsed the Riga Conclusions on 22 June in Riga. The final text can be found via the website of the Latvian […]

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Thank you and happy holidays

July 8, 2015 at 10:30 am

Thank you and happy holidays

The MUT would like to thank all members for all their hard work during the scholastic year and wish them happy summer holidays full of well-deserved rest. Meanwhile, there is a lot of hearsay about many changes that are allegedly being made in our sector. The MUT would like to reassure all members that the […]

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