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Church School Call for Assistant Head

February 5, 2016 at 2:00 pm

Church School Call for Assistant Head

The Secretariat for Catholic Education has issued a call for applications for the post of Assistant Head of Secondary at Stella Maris College open to teachers in Church Schools and has asked the Union to circulate it. For more information about it please click here. This vacancy is being forwarded as requested by this third […]

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MCAST rewriting of units – an update

February 2, 2016 at 4:40 pm

MCAST rewriting of units – an update

The MUT wrote to the MCAST Principal on the recent discussion and exchange of mails about the issue of rewriting of units. The MUT made particular reference to the fact that this issue is still unresolved, and therefore the related directives in still in place. The Union stated that it considers that a Unit falls […]

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ITS Delegate

February 2, 2016 at 4:00 pm

ITS Delegate

The MUT would like to notify all concerned that the Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS) MUT delegate for 2016 is Ms. Fiorentina Darmenia-Jochimsen.

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Update on the Learning Outcomes Framework

January 26, 2016 at 3:20 pm

Update on the Learning Outcomes Framework

Last week the MUT Officials met the Minister for Education and Employment, the Directors General and various officials from the MEDE on the topic of Learning Outcomes Framework. During the meeting the Union expressed its concern that there is a lot of talk about the introduction of LOFs by September 2016. The MUT has made […]

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Redeployment of KGAs – an update

January 26, 2016 at 3:10 pm

Redeployment of KGAs – an update

Following the Union’s intervention on the redeployment of KGAs, the issue is now resolved. The DG Operations informed the MUT that a number of KGA II will be employed and allocated to the February intake. The DG also noted that any KGAs whose classes shall be assigned with MCAST students will be given duties within […]

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Sabbatical for non-State Schools

January 26, 2016 at 3:00 pm

Sabbatical for non-State Schools

The MUT wrote to the Permanent Secretary at the MEDE to ask about its plans to extend Sabbatical leave to non-State Schools, especially in view of a reference included in the last budget speech. The Union will keep members updated of any development accordingly.

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KGAs will not be redeployed internally to take February groups

January 22, 2016 at 10:00 am

KGAs will not be redeployed internally to take February groups

The MUT wrote to the Minister for Education and Employment to register the Union’s complete disagreement with an instruction which is being given to Heads of Schools concerning kindergarten classes. The Union has been informed from several different schools that they have been instructed to redeploy Kindergarten Assistants (KGAs) internally to classes opening this February […]

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Heads disallowed from consulting with the MUT

January 22, 2016 at 9:45 am

Heads disallowed from consulting with the MUT

Information received by the Union indicates that in a particular College, during the COH meeting, the Principal has apparently ordered the Heads of his college to refrain from consulting the Union in case of queries and/or difficulties unless they first seek his permission. The Union is directing its members to ignore this instruction as it […]

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Attendance taking and Curriculum Time of TCN Primary Teachers

January 22, 2016 at 9:10 am

Attendance taking and Curriculum Time of TCN Primary Teachers

The MUT wrote to the DGs in connection to Third Country National (TCN) Primary Teachers as the Union is informed that these teachers are being asked to make two copies of attendance per week apart from entering attendance on E1. In this respect, the MUT is directing them to take attendance on the E1 only. […]

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