21237815 / 21222663
Avviż Importanti għall-Membri – Important Notice to Members

March 16, 2020 at 2:33 pm

Avviż Importanti għall-Membri – Important Notice to Members

L-MUT tixtieq tinforma lill-membri li b’effett minn għada t-Tlieta 17 ta’ Marzu 2020, l-uffiċjali u l-istaff ser ikunu qegħdin jaħdmu bil-bibien magħluqin jew permezz tat-telework. Is-servizzi tal-MUT ħa jibqgħu jingħataw permezz tat-telefon (21237815 u 21222662) u l-emails HAWN.

Ħlasijiet ta’ miżati jistgħu jibqgħu jsiru permezz tas-sistemi online fil-Members Area billi wieħed iżur MUT.ORG.MT jew inkella mis-servizzi online tal-banek. L-MUT tixtieq tiskuża ruħha għal kull inkonvenjent matul dawn il-jiem iżda temmen li għandha tkompli tħares is-saħħa u s-sigurtà ta’ kulħadd kif għamlet s’issa.

L-MUT tieħu din l-okkażjoni wkoll biex tirringrazzja lill-membri kollha tal-appoġġ u s-sostenn kontinwu, partikolarment f’dawn il-jiem, u tawgura s-saħħa lil kulħadd. Sadattant il-Union se tkompli toħroġ aġġornamenti hekk kif ikun hemm aktar żviluppi.

Important Notice to Members

The MUT would like to inform its members that with effect from tomorrow Tuesday 17th March 2020, officials and staff will be working behind closed doors or through telework. MUT services will continue through telephone (21237815 and 21222662) and through email HERE.

Payment of fees may still be made through the online system in the Members Area at MUT.ORG.MT or through online banking services. The MUT would like to apologize for any inconvenience during these days but it believes it should continue to protect everyone’s health and safety as it has done so far.

The MUT also takes this opportunity to thank all members for their continued support, particularly throughout these days, and wishes good health to everyone. Meanwhile the Union will continue to issue updates as soon as there are further developments.

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