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Author Archives: web_admin

FOCUS GROUPS – Request for members’ professional feedback in Focus Groups

February 18, 2016 at 4:00 pm

FOCUS GROUPS – Request for members’ professional feedback in Focus Groups

The MUT is collaborating with the MEDE in a working group entitled Post-Secondary Evaluation Working Group. The idea of this working group is to evaluate the situation in the post secondary sector and put forward recommendations accordingly. In a decision taken in the last meeting, the MUT has decided to collaborate in the setting up […]

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Sick Leave Procedure for Peripatetic Staff

February 18, 2016 at 3:20 pm

Sick Leave Procedure for Peripatetic Staff

The MUT wrote to the DG Operations on the issue of reporting of sick leave of peripatetic staff. As discussed on various occasions, the MUT noted that peripatetic staff cannot be made to notify half the country when they need to avail themselves of sick leave. The proper procedure is that they should notify the […]

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Student Services Agreement not being respected

February 18, 2016 at 2:57 pm

Student Services Agreement not being respected

The MUT wrote to the DG Operations in relation to the Student Services Agreement. In spite of the fact that the agreement was concluded, signed and archived, the Union stated that it has reliable information that there are still various persons with the old nomenclature and with a definite contract (which should have been replaced […]

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Front Sheets at MCAST

February 15, 2016 at 4:00 pm

Front Sheets at MCAST

The MUT wrote to the MCAST Principal on the issue of front sheets and its various samples circulating. The Union stated that as it already explained, such front sheets should include the basic details of the assignment and the Learning Outcomes being assessed by each unit. Unfortunately this sheet is including unnecessary bureaucratic burden which […]

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MUT runs Training for Peers in Malta as part of EU-Funded project

February 15, 2016 at 2:32 pm

MUT runs Training for Peers in Malta as part of EU-Funded project

The MUT has earlier this month implemented an important part of the project “Peer Review in Adult Learning to Improve formal and Non-formal Education (PRALINE)”, which is an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Union. The MUT has in fact delivered the first edition of the Training for Peers in the field of Adult education […]

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MRER Lecture on massive open online courses (MOOCs) and social alternate reality games (ARGs)

February 15, 2016 at 2:18 pm

MRER Lecture on massive open online courses (MOOCs) and social alternate reality games (ARGs)

Engaging citizens in activities that improve their quality of life and that of others in the community is one of the key strategies driving lifelong learning policies in a number of countries. A UNESCO report (2014) proposes a view of lifelong learning as “a paradigm for continuous, seamless, multifaceted learning opportunities and participation that deliver […]

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Subsidised opportunity for European Educational-Cultural Programme of the Czech Republic

February 15, 2016 at 2:00 pm

Subsidised opportunity for European Educational-Cultural Programme of the Czech Republic

The Head of the Medical Physics Department sent the following message, which is also open to teachers and their families: The European Educational-Cultural Programme of the Czech Republic is offering subsidized trips to Prague, UNESCO heritage sites and cultural cities in the Czech Republic. The Czech Authorities will provide the following FREE: Airport transfers, 3 […]

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MCAST reform not yet reflected in legislation

February 5, 2016 at 3:00 pm

MCAST reform not yet reflected in legislation

The MUT wrote to the Minister for Education and Employment to draw his attention that the MCAST reform has not as yet been reflected in legislation, at least where it comes to the Council of Institutes (COI). It appears, however, that MCAST has decided to include persons in COI that are not referred to in […]

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Parking Issues at MCAST EEEI

February 5, 2016 at 2:30 pm

Parking Issues at MCAST EEEI

The MUT wrote to MCAST to look into the parking issues at the Electronics Engineering institute (EEEI). The Union will report development accordingly.

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