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Author Archives: web_admin

Update on payment for supervision at Resource Centres

May 9, 2018 at 12:59 pm

Update on payment for supervision at Resource Centres

Following representation by the MUT about the repeated failed payments for supervision for members at Resource Centres, the Union is informed that affected members will be receiving payments, not included in the last salary, by cheque in the coming days. The Union expects that the Directorates will now look into the issues which led to […]

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Situation concerning a group of LSA and KGA addressed

May 8, 2018 at 2:56 pm

Situation concerning a group of LSA and KGA addressed

Following a number of representations with MEDE and meetings held, the MUT notifies members that a solution was agreed upon for the two groups of members who are in the grades of LSA or KGA respectively and who were never integrated in the grades of LSA1, LSA2 or KGA1, KGA2 in previous agreements. These regular […]

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Continue your MUT Membership upon retirement!

May 7, 2018 at 11:40 am

Continue your MUT Membership upon retirement!

The Retired Educators Section of the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT-RES) is the section representing those of us who, after years of dedicated teaching, reach the well-deserved age of retirement. This is when one can pamper oneself with a new way of life. Are you approaching retirement age? Planning what to do in the years […]

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Church Schools Calls for College Director and Assistant Head

May 7, 2018 at 10:45 am

Church Schools Calls for College Director and Assistant Head

The Secretariat for Catholic Education has issued a call for applications for the posts of College Director at Sacred Heart College and for Assistant Head at St. Monica School, Mosta, and has asked the Union to circulate it. These are full-time posts and the deadlines to apply are 1st June and 29th May 2018 respectively. […]

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