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Author Archives: web_admin

CRPD b’informazzjoni falza bi skop qarrieqi u theddid lill-edukaturi

June 25, 2018 at 12:19 pm

CRPD b’informazzjoni falza bi skop qarrieqi u theddid lill-edukaturi

L-MUT tagħmel referenza għal dak li ġie rrappurtat minn sezzjonijiet tal-midja fejn il-Kummissjoni għad-Drittijiet ta’ Persuni b’Diżabilità (CRPD) saħqet li l-MUT għad għandha direttivi li ilhom fis-seħħ snin dwar l-użu tal-jacuzzi fiċ-ċentru tar-Riżorsi Helen Keller. Dan wara li aktar kmieni din is-sena l-istess Kummissjoni għamlet mandat fil-konfront tal-MUT u li wassal sabiex ingħatat sentenza fil-qorti […]

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Press Release: MUT declares Trade Dispute with Church Authorities – Union will not accept inferior conditions compared to State counterparts

June 23, 2018 at 9:11 am

Press Release: MUT declares Trade Dispute with Church Authorities – Union will not accept inferior conditions compared to State counterparts

The MUT is declaring a trade dispute with the Secretariat for Catholic Education which is carrying out negotiations of a new Collective Agreement for teaching grades in church schools with MUT. After months of negotiations on a new agreement, negotiations failed since the demands by the MUT to bring working conditions of teaching grades in […]

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Keeping to the Church School Calendar Working Days

June 20, 2018 at 11:58 am

Keeping to the Church School Calendar Working Days

The MUT would like to stress that members working at Church schools are not obliged to attend any meetings, activities or any re-sit examinations in September unless they fall within the previously established scholastic calendar days issued by the Secretariat for Catholic Education. Any undue pressures should be reported to the MUT immediately through the […]

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Reminder on Cumulative Records Cards (CRCs) in Church Schools

June 20, 2018 at 11:54 am

Reminder on Cumulative Records Cards (CRCs) in Church Schools

The MUT would like to remind members that there shall be no inputting of manual CRCs or grey cards in Church Schools if the school has adopted an electronic system. For any queries or direction, especially about specific schools with related issues, members are asked to contact the MUT directly.

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Reminder that Assessment for Learning implementation is Voluntary

June 20, 2018 at 11:51 am

Reminder that Assessment for Learning implementation is Voluntary

The MUT would like to remind members at both State and Church schools that no agreement has been reached on the implementation of the Assessment for Learning. The Union is once again reiterating that it not against such training but that the implementation is on a voluntary basis. No pressures are to be exerted on […]

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Changes in result of KGE2 call

June 18, 2018 at 10:49 am

Changes in result of KGE2 call

Upon learning about changes in the Public Service Commission result of the call for KGE2, the MUT contacted immediately the respective Directorate in order to look into this very serious issue. Following this, the MUT has been assured that KGE2s already in employment through the original issued result would maintain their employment and are therefore […]

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MUT Reacts to Reports on new Fees for LSE course

June 18, 2018 at 10:41 am

MUT Reacts to Reports on new Fees for LSE course

The MUT has recently learnt about a new fee by the Institute for Education (IFE), which is the Introductory Course for Supply LSEs to cost €250 (70% of which is refundable from Get Qualified scheme). The Union notes that this new fee is unfortunately not against any rules as in 2009 an MOU was signed […]

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