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Author Archives: web_admin

Konferenza stampa: L-Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni l-Ġdid huwa Assedju fuq il-Professjonalità u s-Sistemi Edukattivi

October 2, 2018 at 1:11 pm

Konferenza stampa: L-Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni l-Ġdid huwa Assedju fuq il-Professjonalità u s-Sistemi Edukattivi

L-MUT tagħmel referenza għall-Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni l-ġdid li qiegħed jiġi propost mill-Gvern. Filwaqt li l-Gvern għamel numru ta’ sessjonijiet ta’ konsultazzjoni dwar l-att propost, l-MUT saret taf fl-aħħar jiem li l-verżjoni finali qiegħda quddiem il-Parlament sabiex tiġi diskussa fis-seduti li jmiss. L-Att jikkonsisti fi tliet dokumenti, numru 53, 54 u 55, li jinsabu online fis-sit […]

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MCAST Salary Adjustments Messed Up in Spite of MUT Warning

October 2, 2018 at 9:52 am

MCAST Salary Adjustments Messed Up in Spite of MUT Warning

As the MUT had predicted, MCAST Finance Office has just issued adjustments to members of staff following the Collective Agreement and most of the adjustments are wrong. The Union flagged the issue to management many times, including during the negotiations as well as during initial meetings with the new MCAST management, and MCAST assured the […]

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Directive on declaration with ECDL notes

October 1, 2018 at 3:51 pm

Directive on declaration with ECDL notes

Members are being directed to refrain from filling and forwarding a declaration about the distribution of ECDL notes to students as teachers cannot be responsible or have any control on teaching material passed on to students.

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Updated: MUT issues directives to teachers and HODs of Maltese and Mathematics

September 28, 2018 at 8:21 pm

Updated: MUT issues directives to teachers and HODs of Maltese and Mathematics

Following the request for information regarding loading of teachers, the Union noted that a load of 25 lessons was not issued in exceptional circumstances only as stipulated in the respective agreement. Instead, the classification of schools was worked out with the proviso of 25 lessons in the first place. The MUT has communicated several times […]

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Form teacher duties – Clarification and Direction

September 28, 2018 at 12:45 pm

Form teacher duties – Clarification and Direction

The MUT notes that some form teachers are being asked to carry out form teacher duties in access of the 40 minute weekly allocation, which is the compensation given for these duties. This is in breach of the agreement and members are therefore to refrain from carrying out duties beyond these allocated 40 minutes weekly. […]

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Directive to all lecturers at MCAST on reduction of students’ learning entitlement

September 28, 2018 at 12:44 pm

Directive to all lecturers at MCAST on reduction of students’ learning entitlement

Following correspondence with MCAST management on the reduction of students’ learning entitlement, the MUT believes that MCAST is being very short-sighted and is not seeing the implications. MCAST’s position to safeguard student’s learning entitlement was so strong during directives of the Union earlier this year and made whatever possible to avoid students missing one minute […]

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Issue with laptops for newly employed educators

September 27, 2018 at 3:14 pm

Issue with laptops for newly employed educators

The MUT has written to the Information Management Unit (IMU) within MEDE after it was informed that newly employed grades who are requesting the laptop are being told that no laptops are available. The IMU are also telling them that there is no indication of when these will be distributed. The Union has requested a […]

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Five-day course for professionals on managing school bullying

September 26, 2018 at 2:54 pm

Five-day course for professionals on managing school bullying

A five-day course entitled “Managing School Bullying – for Professionals” is being held between the 10th and 14th December 2018 at Porziuncola House. This was developed and is being organised by Dr Carly Aquilina, a Psychologist with extensive experience working with children and adolescents. The purpose of this training is to provide an understanding of […]

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Reminder on Duplication of work in State Primary Schools

September 26, 2018 at 2:37 pm

Reminder on Duplication of work in State Primary Schools

The MUT reminds members about the directive to avoid unnecessary duplication of work that is not in line with what was agreed with the Directorates, especially through the eLearning platforms in primary schools in the case of recording attendance. The Union reminds all members in primary schools to input attendance only in the e-learning platform. […]

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Clarification on Special Leave in State and Church Schools

September 26, 2018 at 2:21 pm

Clarification on Special Leave in State and Church Schools

The MUT is issuing these clarifications on Special Leave following feedback received from members. The computation of Special Leave shall be according to the actual duration of the absence from work including the 10 minutes non-contact time. The mandatory signing 10 minutes before the official school opening time is being compensated in the following ways: […]

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