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Author Archives: web_admin

Workshop for educators on bullying

December 11, 2018 at 3:31 pm

Workshop for educators on bullying

A workshop organised by psychologist Dr Carly Aquilina entitled “Understanding Bullying” is being held on 8th January 8 2019 between 16.00 – 21.00 at Porziuncola Retreat House. This workshop is for teachers, school counsellors, Heads of Discipline and other professionals working in schools. Educators interested in booking a place should contact organiser at for […]

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Educators and Aggressive Behaviour – a survey by the Malta Union of Teachers

December 7, 2018 at 2:29 pm

Educators and Aggressive Behaviour – a survey by the Malta Union of Teachers

During the last two scholastic years there have been many serious cases of aggression on educators reported, most of which unfortunately perpetrated by parents and students. These are being treated as isolated cases by the authorities and remain hidden so as to project the idea that everything is under control. The MUT has been asserting […]

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December 7, 2018 at 2:09 pm


The MUT and its Officials would like to offer their warmest congratulations and best wishes to all members who have successfully obtained new qualifications in the various areas of study in the educational sector. For queries and help, especially if newly qualified and getting started, do not hesitate to contact the MUT for advice. Meanwhile […]

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Il-programm ‘My Journey’ jqajjem tħassib serju dwar is-sostennibiltà u l-effetti fuq is-sistema edukattiva

December 5, 2018 at 11:27 am

Il-programm ‘My Journey’ jqajjem tħassib serju dwar is-sostennibiltà u l-effetti fuq is-sistema edukattiva

L-introduzzjoni tal-programm ‘My Journey’ mis-sena skolastika li ġejja qed twassal għal tħassib serju dwar is-sostennibiltà u l-effetti fuq is-sistema edukattiva. L-MUT qed telenka dan it-tħassib inizzjali hekk kif qed tirċievi wkoll reazzjonijiet mill-membri tagħha. Diversi kmamar użati bħala klassijiet, jew kmamar speċjalizzati għal suġġetti oħra, issa ttieħdu sabiex saru numru ta’ workshops u kmamar għas-suġġetti […]

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Reazzjoni għall-artiklu bl-isem “L-edukaturi jieklu l-burgers u t-tfal bla pastizzi”

December 5, 2018 at 9:06 am

Reazzjoni għall-artiklu bl-isem “L-edukaturi jieklu l-burgers u t-tfal bla pastizzi”

Din li ġejja ntbagħtet lill-editur ta’ Newsbook: Għażiż editur, L-MUT tirreferi għall-artiklu bl-isem “L-edukaturi jieklu l-burgers u t-tfal bla pastizzi”. L-MUT hija ddiżappuntata kif titlu bħal dan, li huwa meħud minn kumment ta’ persuna waħda biss, ser jispiċċa biex jagħti impressjoni ħażina tal-edukaturi u joħloq mibgħeda bla bżonn speċjalment fuq il-midja soċjali fejn bħal ma […]

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Various Church School Vacancies

December 4, 2018 at 10:05 am

Various Church School Vacancies

The Secretariat for Catholic Education has issued various calls for applications including the following and has asked the Union to circulate them: – College Director at Sacred Heart College – Deadline is 17th December 2018. – College Bursar at Sacred Heart College – Deadline is 17th December 2018. – Maintenance Person at Sacred Heart College […]

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MUT visits ALP Paola to understand and address concerns of members

December 4, 2018 at 9:42 am

MUT visits ALP Paola to understand and address concerns of members

On Friday 30th November, MUT Officials visited the Alternative Learning Programme at Paola to understand and tackle a number of concerns raised by members. These issues were flagged during the visit and MUT is now working to address them with the school management and Directorates as applicable. Members who did not manage to speak to […]

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Update on Accelerated Progression Issue

December 3, 2018 at 2:52 pm

Update on Accelerated Progression Issue

The MUT contacted the Directorate for Strategy and Support at the Ministry for Education and Employment as it would like to discuss further the accelerated progression effective date as the Union is concerned with the way it is being worked out. Furthermore the MUT stated that there is a discrepancy with the workings carried out […]

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