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Agreements updates

August 2, 2024 at 12:29 pm

Agreements updates

Discussions on the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement for State Schools are ongoing. The process of issuing cash payments, allowances, salary adjustments, progressions and arrears for educators in State Schools will be carried out in phases and shall be concluded this year. The Ministry shall be issuing the cash payment and the first set of new/adjusted allowances soon, followed by subsequent adjustments in the following phases.

Negotiations on the new collective agreement with Church Schools are ongoing and shall be proceeding during the coming weeks. Discussions are also ongoing with the Government and Church Secretariat regarding the timeline for the issuing of respective cash payments, allowances, salary adjustments, progressions and arrears for educators in church schools.

The union is initiating discussions with independent schools regarding the respective collective agreements. The MUT shall base its requests on the improved working conditions and financials achieved in the Sectoral Agreement with the government. The union will update respective educators in independent schools in the coming weeks.

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