21237815 / 21222663
New scholastic year

September 25, 2015 at 2:40 pm

New scholastic year

The MUT would like to extent its warmest wishes for a successful year to all educators, who have by now started working on the new scholastic period. In the past months the MUT has worked on many issues and will proceed on working on many more in the near future while updating members as per usual practice. In the last scholastic year alone, the Union managed to conclude the following:

a) the mobility Agreement between State and Church Schools;
b) the bridging Agreement within State Schools;
c) the maternity leave in summer compensation for State Schools;
d) the 40-minute timetable agreement in State Schools and in Church Schools;
e) the Agreement on Student Services grades;
f) Agreements concluded with Independent schools, and others who are in progress;
g) participation in many fora, both locally and at an international level.

Meanwhile, the Union appreciates that members will undoubtedly have issues to resolve in the run up of the scholastic year and will do its best to help everyone. Should contacting the Union through telephone prove difficult because of the sheer number of calls received, please send an email to stating membership number and the query.

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