April 9, 2021 at 3:45 pm
Call for Primary School Teachers for a short interview on gamification techniques
As part of his Higher Diploma in Psychology with the Department of Social Wellbeing at the University of Malta, Steve Borg is conducting interviews to primary teachers about their perception of gamification. He is therefore issuing a call for primary school teachers under the age of 30 for a short interview. The study initiates a discussion, and explores with the educators, to better understand how activities, games and other tools may be used in class in order to facilitate learning. Primary school teachers will simply be asked about their interest and experience with gamification whilst teaching. More details are being provided HERE. Anyone who wishes to participate can contact the researcher at address Steve.borg.12@um.edu.mt.
N.B. Please note that the Malta Union of Teachers is just helping out in dissemination of information and is not responsible for this initiative or its details. Queries and difficulties on the above should therefore not be directed to the MUT but to the entity responsible.