21237815 / 21222663
Online form for members: school COVID-19 feedback

September 25, 2020 at 5:05 pm

Online form for members: school COVID-19 feedback

Following the postponement of the re-opening of schools for students, the next week until 6th October will be a period when educators shall be reporting at schools prior to the intake of students. Educators are therefore advised to identify and flag any issues in their respective schools, both in terms of health and safety, and in terms of curricular and pedagogical issues. For this aim the MUT is issuing an online form to be filled in by members.

Please be as specific as possible, writing the name of the school where the issue is. This will enable any directives and/or other actions to be limited to the particular schools or college if need be. All feedback submitted will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Please fill in and submit the form HERE.

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