21237815 / 21222663
Press Release: Update on Transport Supervision and LSE2 Salary Anomaly Issues

October 17, 2019 at 5:58 pm

Press Release: Update on Transport Supervision and LSE2 Salary Anomaly Issues

The MUT has been working on addressing the LSE2 salary anomaly and transport supervision issues and has already issued directives and ultimatums according to established trade union laws for the recognised trade unions.

Transport Supervision Issue

Following the ultimatum issued by the MUT on Friday 11th October (link HERE), the Ministry changed the decision which had been taken and confirmed that everything will remain as last year, meaning that:

– Onboard supervisors (kinder routes) are to be paid a flat rate per trip
– Onboard supervisors 1-1/shared Primary Schools are to be paid a flat rate per trip
– Onboard supervisors 1-1/shared Middle/Secondary Schools are to the paid flat rate for the trip and pro-rata rate for the early arrival/dismissal supervision
– Onboard supervisors Resource Centres are to be paid flat rate for the trip, pro-rata for additional time exceeding 1 hour and pro-rata rate for the early arrival/dismissal supervision

With regards to the early arrival/dismissal supervision, all schools shall now have the allocated number of points as established in the sectoral agreement. The Ministry stated that if there is an issue with a particular school there will be discussion between the Ministry and the MUT as the only recognised Union in the education sector.

LSE2 Salary Anomaly Issue

Regarding this issue, the MUT has already issued directives (click HERE) and will be holding another scheduled meeting tomorrow morning. Members will be updated accordingly.

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