21237815 / 21222663
Directive to refrain from providing list of employees regarding the revolving doors legislation

February 19, 2019 at 3:17 pm

Directive to refrain from providing list of employees regarding the revolving doors legislation

The MUT as part of For.U.M. has flagged a number of issues related to the Public Administration Act which was being drafted and has now been legislated. After raising issues on the law and its implications, it was assured by central Government that For.U.M unions would be consulted on the implementation of the ‘revolving doors’ legislation which is now part of the new law. This ‘revolving doors’ concept will affect mostly a number of MUT members especially in the future if they decide to work in the private sector.

The Union notes that instead of being involved in the implementation as agreed, the authorities have instead requested the Ministry to provide a list of employees affected by this revolving doors legislation. Since this is not what was agreed upon, the MUT is therefore directing members to refrain from providing the requested list.

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