November 6, 2017 at 4:36 pm
Basis for agreement on financials between MUT and Government reached
The Government and the MUT would like to announce that a basis for agreement on financials has been reached and negotiations will therefore continue on the sectoral agreement for all educators in our country.
In light of this, the MUT is suspending all industrial action including directives and strike, which was planned for Wednesday.
Also, the MUT regrets that information has been leaked to the media before the official communication to be issued was agreed upon.
Jintlaħaq bażi ta’ ftehim fuq il-pakkett finanzjarju bejn l-MUT u l-Gvern
Bi pjaċir il-Gvern u l-Malta Union of Teachers iħabbru li intlaħaq bażi ta’ ftehim fuq il-pakkett finanzjarju u għaldaqstant in-negozjati ser jisskotaw fuq il-ftehim sħiħ għall-edukaturi f’pajjiżna.
Fid-dawl ta’ dan il-ftehim, l-MUT qegħda tissospendi l-azzjonijiet industrijali u l-istrike ta’ nhar l-erbgħa.
L-MUT b’dispjaċir tinnota li l-informazzjoni ħarġet fil-media qabel ma kien hemm il-qbil dwar il-kommunikazzjoni li kellha toħroġ.