21237815 / 21222663
MQRIC Recognition of Qualifications Procedure is now online

September 5, 2016 at 10:32 am

MQRIC Recognition of Qualifications Procedure is now online

The National Commission For Further and Higher Education (NCFHE) just informed the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) that it has launched a new online process for the recognition of qualifications, the service provided by the Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC).

This new system is available on, through the MQRIC section which is accessible from the top bar, second tab. It entails a completely new online process whereby persons requesting a recognition statement for their qualifications – both prospective and obtained – can do so online. The applicant will have the opportunity to search for his/her qualification by entering the country, finding the name of the awarding body from a drop-down menu and finding the qualification. If the qualification is already listed, the statement can be downloaded and printed instantly. If the qualification is not listed on the database, the user can submit an application by entering further details requested. This will kick-start the research process carried out by the MQRIC department.

More information at

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