September 25, 2020 at 10:02 am
L-MUT tinnota d-deċiżjoni tal-Gvern u tilqa’ l-posponiment tal-ftuħ tal-iskejjel għall-istudenti
L-MUT tinnota d-deċiżjoni tal-Gvern u tilqa’ l-posponiment tal-ftuħ tal-iskejjel għall-istudenti
L-MUT tinnota l-istqarrija tal-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni dwar il-posponiment tal-ftuħ tal-iskejjel għall-istudenti. L-MUT kienet talbet għal dan il-posponiment sabiex l-iskejjel ikollhom iċ-ċans jaġġustaw ruħhom għat-talbiet imressqa mill-protokoll u biex tagħti żmien ħalli jiġu solvuti kwistjonijiet pendenti.
L-MUT tilqa’ d-deċiżjoni li l-istudenti ma jibdewx kollha fl-istess ġurnata (staggered intake). Dan intalab mill-MUT waqt il-laqgħat li saru fil-ġimgħat li għaddew. Dan it-tqassim għandu jippermetti lill-iskejjel jikkontrollaw aħjar l-implimentazzjoni tal-protokoll u jaġġustaw il-prattiċi li qed jiġu adottati biex jissalvagwardjaw is-saħħa u s-sigurtà tal-edukaturi u l-istudenti.
Il-perijodu li fih l-edukaturi sa jirrappurtaw fl-iskejjel qabel ma jibdew l-istudenti għandu jservi sabiex l-edukaturi jkomplu l-preparamenti tagħhom għal din is-sena skolastika, partikolarment dawk ta’ natura kurrikulari u pedagoġika. L-implimentazzjoni tal-protokoll se jkollu impatt fuq ix-xogħol tal-edukaturi u għalhekk huma meħtieġa preparamenti u koordinazzjoni. F’dan is-sens ix-xogħol tal-MUT ser ikun essenzjali sabiex jiġu identifikati l-problemi speċifiċi mill-membri fl-iskola tagħhom ħalli jiġu indirizzati. Għal dan il-għan aktar tard illum l-MUT ser tniedi formola online sabiex timtela’ mill-membri li fiha huma mħeġġa jagħddu dan ir-rispons.
Għaldaqstant il-ġimgħa d-dieħla l-MUT ser tkun qed tosserva l-andament filwaqt li tassisti lill-iskejjel u lill-membri sabiex jiżguraw li l-iskejjel jadottaw il-miżuri mitluba dwar is-saħħa u s-sigurtà. Il-Union ser tkun ukoll qed tidħol fin-nuqqasijiet direttament ħalli jiġu indirizzati qabel ma jibdew l-istudenti. L-MUT għadha kemm ikkomunikat ukoll mal-iskejjel tal-knisja u dawk indipendenti biex titlob aġġustament simili.
L-MUT terġa’ tisħaq sabiex il-Gvern jieħu azzjonijiet konkreti biex jikkontrolla l-pandemija. L-MUT kienet għamlet it-talba ripetutament fil-ġimgħat li għaddew u dan kien ukoll l-ispirtu tad-diskussjoni mal-imsieħba soċjali waqt il-laqgħa tal-MCESD. It-talba saret ukoll mill-MUT waqt il-laqgħa mal-Gvern aktar kmieni din il-ġimgħa.
Fl-aħħarnett l-MUT tixtieq tassigura lill-membri li l-Union ser tkun magħhom matul dan iż-żmien diffiċli għal kulħadd u ser tkun qed tagħmel minn kollox sabiex tkompli tipproteġi s-saħħa u s-sigurtà tagħhom, tal-istudenti u ta’ kulħadd.
MUT notes Government decision and welcomes postponement of reopening of schools for students
The MUT notes the statement by the Ministry for Education about the postponement of the re-opening of schools for students. The MUT had requested the postponement to enable schools to adjust to the demands brought about by the protocol and to give sufficient time to sort pending issues.
The MUT welcomes the decision on the staggering of student intake. This has been requested by the MUT during the meetings held in the past weeks. Staggering shall enable schools to control better the implementation of the protocol and to adjust the practices being adopted to safeguard the health and safety of educators and students.
The period when educators shall be reporting at schools prior to the intake of students shall serve so that educators continue their preparations for this scholastic year, particularly those of a curricular and pedagogical nature. The implementation of the protocol shall impact the work of educators and hence preparations and co-ordination is necessary. In this sense the MUT’s role will be essential so that specific issues within schools are identified by members in order to be addressed. For this aim later today the MUT will issue an online form to be filled in by members in which they will be encouraged to send their feedback.
Consequently next week the MUT shall be monitoring the ongoings and shall be assisting schools and members in ensuring that schools adopt the requested health and safety measures. The union shall also be flagging shortcomings to be addressed prior to the intake of students. The MUT has just communicated with respective employers in church and independent schools to request similar adjustment.
The MUT reiterates its call for the Government takes concrete actions to control the pandemic. The MUT had made the request repeatedly in the past weeks and this was also the spirit of the discussion with social partners during the MCESD meeting. The request was also made by MUT during the meeting with the Government earlier this week.
Finally, the MUT would like to assure its members that the Union will be with them during this difficult time for all and will do its utmost to continue protecting the health and safety of educators, students and everyone.