21237815 / 21222663

January 22, 2016 at 10:00 am

KGAs will not be redeployed internally to take February groups

The MUT wrote to the Minister for Education and Employment to register the Union’s complete disagreement with an instruction which is being given to Heads of Schools concerning kindergarten classes. The Union has been informed from several different schools that they have been instructed to redeploy Kindergarten Assistants (KGAs) internally to classes opening this February if they have a student KGA. This effectively means that the KGA, who had prepared and worked for a class, will need to start over with a new group in terms or teaching and preparation while the persons will have to leave his/her own class with unqualified personnel.

After the Union registered formally its disagreement with the Ministry, a discussion between the MUT and the Ministry ensued and the latter and it was agreed that KGAs in place will not be redeployed to the new classes.

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