When retiring, all MUT members may opt to retain their membership within the MUT by becoming Retired Members, where they will be kept informed of all the MUT’s activities and also have the opportunity to participate in social activities, including outings, organised by the Retired Members’ Social Committee.
Retired members shall pay €60 once only to retain membership, provided that retired members who have paid the last ten (10) consecutive membership fees shall be exempted from paying the €60 and shall be entitled to circulars and emails from the Union as well as membership in the Retired Section.
The Retired Members’ Social Committee
The Retired Teachers’ Social Committee organises a series of activities throughout the year and is part of the Alleanza Ta’ Organizzazzjonijiet Ta’ Penzjonanti. If Retired Members would like to start/stop receiving circulars by email you can send an email to info@mut.org.mt.
Chairperson: Mr Guido Borg
Vice Chairperson: Ms Monica Attard
Secretary & PRO: Mr Alfred Conti Borda
Treasurer: Mr Frederick Borg
Members: Ms Monica Farrugia, Mr Philip Bonello, Ms Carmen Mangion, Ms Christine Zammit and Ms Maryrose Borg.