What can one expect from the Malta Union of Teachers once becoming a member?
Here is in a nutshell the huge advantages of being a member of the Union. As one can easily see, it is essential for any educator to be part of the Union as the benefits are many both individual and collective.
1) Information & Updates
– An MUT member can receive regular updates through eNewsletter directly to their email. This is sent twice/three times a week depending on the level of news and urgency.
– An MUT member can access the members-only sections of the website, which contains documents, information, and other exclusive services for members.
– An MUT member can be granted access to the members-only Facebook group where interesting discussions and debates are going on virtually all the time.
2) Advice & Assistance
– An MUT member can get one-to-one advice through telephone, email and personally by setting up a meeting with any of the MUT Officials in all matters concerning conditions of work and any other issues at the workplace.
– An MUT member can get assistance in case of injustice or in case of unjust treatment at their workplace, in cases of disciplinary proceedings against them and in any Industrial Tribunal in respect of other employees.
– An MUT can get legal advise and assistance in work-related legal matters and proceedings in a Court of Law.
– An MUT member will be represented collectively as a school, workplace and/or sector.
3) Participation & Representation
– An MUT member is represented as the Union participates in negotiations that lead to improved work conditions, collective and sectoral agreements, memoranda and side agreements.
– An MUT member can participate in many consultation processes, meetings, school visits, seminars and many other opportunities to make a difference.
– An MUT member can become a Union Delegate, Council Member, can be appointed to represent the Union and fellow members on specific issues of interest in the education sector and can also form part of the many Sections, Committees and Working Groups of the Union.
4) Other Services
– An MUT member can get access to a variety of special offers including insurances and other services.
But why the MUT?

Here are ten more reasons why educators should become members of the Malta Union of Teachers:
1) The MUT is Malta’s largest Union for educators from Kindergarten to Higher Education. With a membership exceeding 10,000 members (by 2022), the MUT is Malta’s third largest Trade Union. This means better representation by a stakeholder created by teachers who wanted to fight for their rights.
2) The Union has members working in all areas of the education system – ranging from kindergarten, primary and secondary school levels to Vocational College, University and adult education. MUT members come from State, Church and Independent Schools. Most are experts in their sector and the Union values such expertise and mutual camaraderie.
3) The Union’s size and expertise enable it to exercise considerable influence on the education system. The MUT participates actively in the public political debate, and it is also extensively involved in international work. The Union is very active within its affiliations, both at local level through For.U.M. and also at international level through Education International and ETUCE. In this way, the MUT is organised not just in terms of profession but also as a Trade Union.
4) The MUT aims to look after the interests of its members both in respect of issues relating to pay and working conditions as well as in respect of education policy.
5) The Union’s agenda includes an active role in discussions, aimed to provide children, young people and adults with good quality education. It also strives to ensure that education plays a key role in society.

6) The MUT has always been closely involved in addressing shortcomings in the Maltese Educational System at all levels with the aim of rendering it more effective and democratic. Apart from this, the MUT has always been at the forefront in strengthening the teaching profession while continuing in its efforts to make sure all education grades are given a professional status and adequate work conditions. The Union was furthermore instrumental in its collaboration with the Council for Teaching Profession in the revision of the Teachers’ Code of Ethics.
7) Numerous symposia, fora, conferences, seminars and other social and cultural activities are held throughout the year to promote discussion about all the aspects of education.
8) The General Conference is held every term and members can exercise their right to vote to elect their representatives. Members can become delegates, MUT Council members and have the possibility of participating in any of the structures of the Union including committees, working groups and sections.

9) The Union conducts regular scientific studies, surveys and consultation processes to listen to what members and educators in general are saying, what they think and how they feel about certain issues. On the other hand, the MUT make a continuous effort to reach educators and the public with awareness campaigns related to various sensitive themes.
10) Last but not least, the MUT issues regular press releases and statements, in many cases to defend its members from situations where educational matters were portrayed inaccurately by stakeholders such as the media.