21237815 / 21222663
Further amendment suggested to Education Act

January 19, 2016 at 11:30 am

Further amendment suggested to Education Act

The MUT, following feedback from various members, submitted with following suggestion to the Minister for Education and Employment over and above the list of suggestions already submitted with regards to changes in the Education Act. The Union stated that it believes that the law should allow post-secondary and/or tertiary vocational institutions, as well as post-secondary and/or academic tertiary institutions, the flexibility to be able to bar students from practical sessions in workshops and/or laboratories if a professional assessment of the student deems it unfit for the student to be in such practical sessions on grounds of health and safety of the same student as well as peers. In the mean time, the Union asked for an update on amendments to the Act.

In a reply, the Minister stated that it will be seriously considered and that an update on the situation will be provided soon.

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